i have posted my ceiling look on here before, for power i decided to go with an older TW transfomer.... i "figured" that 175 watts would be plenty for one loop around the room, has a whistle control, and can power some small assessorys i plan on adding in the corner, )just a beacon or spotlight not much) what i'm having problems with is that towards the back wall of the room, the trains tend to slow down i hooked a volt meter to it, seems that its dropping in power? when i use the whistle button it seems theres a dramatic power increase, my williams true blast horn on my GG1 is really fickle with it as well... only half the time i can get the horn to work and it never works on the far side of the wall....
as i just have a ceiling loop i dont need any facy transformer, i just like the vintage feel of the TW.... i've been thinking of upgrading some for the older conventional trains with the sound commander 2 chip? would that work with the tw transformer? i just want the GG1's to have some sound.... i've had this crazy idea to add it into a REA boxcar? kind of like the the old railsounds boxcars? that way i wouldnt have to modify any of the original lionels but still get the sound? good idea?
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