The latest Lionel catalog has been released!! You know what that means!!
Any time a new catalog is released or new train announcement is made it feels like Christmas morning all over again!
After viewing the catalog, and then doing it again, the 2025 Volume One catalog is chock full (what is a 'chock' anyway?) of items for just about everybody. But it seems to be going off in many different directions all over the place. It seems to me that for as much as they crammed into this book there were several holes in it, meaning items they could or should have included for a 125th anniversary edition. Maybe that will be rectified in volume two. Maybe I feel that way because maybe I've been in the hobby for so long and have bought a ton of trains during that time that the offerings seem limited to me from having so much. But at the same time I have a list of past offerings from all the importers a mile long that I still hope to acquire. Plus a half mile long wish list of items I hope to see made at some point.
That said, I do like the catalog and it's offerings. These are my favorites. I may get some of them, all of them or none of them. My pipeline from previous catalogs, announcements and preorders is getting backed up!
Blue Lenny/Santa Handcar (This would look cool running around the Christmas tree or on the main layout during the Holidays. This item matches my criteria for fantasy trains.)
CPKC & Canadian National ES44 (I love the big powerful locomotives like the ES44. My roster lacks any Canadian National locos so this would make a good start. And a railroad as voluminous and powerful as The Penn American Railroad needs to acquire the latest merger road name!)
Santa Fe & PRR FA-2 ABA (Alco F unit diesels are lacking from my roster also. I don't have anything in the Santa Fe freight scheme and the PRR is, well, PRR!)
Kansas City Southern / Norfolk Southern Autoracks (These are the 'conventional' models. The Vision Line versions, although innovative, have sounds and actions I've never witnessed while railfanning and seeing hundreds of these cars at speed over the years. I have several of their earlier autoracks and I really like them for the scale size and the kinematic couplers.)
PRR Track Cleaning Car (I don't know if I really need it but it looks like a good item to add to a Maintenance of Way train. It almost looks authentic. I saw a similar looking powered car once that was spraying for weeds. I did get a kick out of the Area 51 Evidence Scrubber version
Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania Box Car (Although I'm not into most of the fantasy trains, this box car is a must for me since I've visited the museum dozens of times when I lived in the area. It feels like home!)
Now for my rants!
I'm not going to mention pricing because that has already been highlighted by two or a hundred people. It's like complaining about gas prices. We bych and moan how expensive gas is but we fill our tanks anyway. We may cut back a bit but we still fill up. It may not be an even analogy since we don't have to buy trains but we are addicted, ummm, dedicated to model trains. (Don't tell me you're not!!) We all have our limits and some of us choose to ignore them, or not.
But the most impossibly egregious violation of trust and decency in this catalog is the defacing vandalization of the blessed Reading Crusader locomotive.
I've been advocating for a full scale set of this beautiful train for the last ten years. Nobody has touched this since the semi scaled K-Line and MTH Railking versions years ago. So what does Lionel do? They put a barely similar paint job on a Pacific! A Lionchief 2.0 yet! Not a Hudson, not a scale set. Even in the catalog on page 90 the description of the Lionchief 2.0 Pacifics says "We had some fun with a Reading Crusader stand in" Really!!?? I'm not having any fun with this offering!
They promised me an accurate scale model with matching passenger cars in my imagination!
At least I'll be saving $3000. (Oooops! Did I say that?! I mean $999!)
I think it is a great catalog that touches a lot of hobbyists desires. Nice work, Lionel!