The same one that had a PGM switch issue. Resolved now thanks to all who gave advice.
Everything working fine except smoke fan just stopped. Still smoking but wafting not puffing with chuff.
Only other fan issue I had was with a K-line tank engine. It had sat awhile and I thought it was just stuck. Maybe gummed up with smoke fluid. Opened the front hatch and tapped gently on the metal smoke unit housing with a screwdriver and it started working again.
Primitive, like rapping an old TV, but it worked.
No access on this engine.
Tried blowing down the stack. Thought maybe it would jump start it.
Before I start taking it apart, any simple tips, tricks to try?
And when I get inside, what is the troubleshooting procedure?
Disconnect and test fan?
Are these Dc? What is operating voltage?
Thanks in advance?