A friend tried to post a question on my behalf, but mingled it with a question of his own, which complicated the matter. So, to simply, I'll restate the question I have.
I recently began running an MTH Premier K4s, which is equipped with original Protosounds and a BCR (in place of the original NiCad). The engine runs fine using my MTH Z-4000 transformer. I simply charge up the BCR for a minute at 10 volts, turn the throttle down to under 10 volts, and then take it out of reset with a push of the direction button. No problems whatsoever.
But when I took it to my club to run on one of the layouts there equipped with Lionel ZW-L transformers, I couldn't get it out of reset following the same procedures. No matter what voltage I use, I get the "Clang Clang" signal -- but thankfully not the "Clang, Clang, Clang" -- and the engine stays in reset or neutral.
I took it home again later that night and again ran it on the Z-4000 again. Again, no problem. It ran perfectly.
So, can anyone here tell me whether original Protosounds and the ZW-L simply don't play well together? Any solutions? Would an upgrade to PS3 make a difference?