@Chuck Sartor, and @Vernon Barry,
I thank both of you for your input, not only here but in so many other threads over the years. You're generally right on track with your observations.
However ...
You're generalizations are dead wrong here.
I've spent years playing around with various vintages of PS-1 engines and transformers. What I've found is that the TPC's, but more specifically because of upgraded software and a small hardware change, the Lionel versions of the TPC's work better than anything else with PS-1's, including good old-fashioned transformers putting out undistorted sine waves.
All PS-1's are finicky, mostly when trying to get them to go forward out of the initial RESET state that they're in when power is first applied. Sound is next in line as far as challenges go.
Some of us were lucky enough to have Lou Kovach, original designer of the TPC's and founder of their original manufacturer, IC Controls, update our TPC software to the latest version, after Lionel had bought the line from him and began offering them under their name and with Lionel product numbers (6-14189 for instance).
These, both updated IC Controls models and the follow-up Lionel models, have an extra set of commands, i.e. button pushes, that are optimized to operating PS-1's. In spite of the fact that they put out modified sine waves even to this day, they still do a very good job when running PS-1's.
@Pup, If I were you I'd get a hold of a Lionel 6-14189 TPC and try it.