The deck plate seems to have limiting nubs cast into the hinge loops that rest against the cab. I wouldn't recommend bending a casting but a small amount of pressure in the case of mine was enough to get it to sit on the tender deck on level track. Obviously it still rises up a bit when under way on uneven track, but as close as the cab is to the tender on this one with the kinematic drawbar, I can't say I've noticed it when on the track running.
I like the gloss paint on mine. It definitely shows fingerprints as one would expect but they wipe off easily with a microfiber cloth. I'll probably consider putting a pair of nitrile gloves or something along the lines of that into the box for handling it in the future. My photos seem to exaggerate the texture of the paint with sort of an "orange peel" appearance, however in person I feel like it doesn't look quite so textured. I took it to the train club this evening and most people seemed to like it for being something different than we're used to. They weren't painted flat black in real life after all so they were shiny at least once before they got covered in soot and road grime. Obviously the excursion look of 1218 that Lionel wanted to portray would have generally been clean and shiny as well.
Hmmm, ….very interesting,….as if you read my mind!…..I’ve been painting for over 35 years, and to this date, I never knew a picture could exaggerate orange peel,… death,……orange peel is orange peel, it’s either there, or it ain’t!….I’m very glad you’re happy with your new purchase, cause I’d be livid,……I am well aware of what a newly delivered, or restored locomotive is supposed to look like,…I’m just kinda surprised a multi million dollar manufacturer accepted that kind of finish on such a highly touted, & highly priced model,…..if you’re gonna lay down a gloss finish on a model, it’d better be slick as glass,…..gloss in scale is tough to do!…the slightest orange peel, and the message ain’t conveyed……they got to be slick like an eel,…..this is how it should be done…..the first represents as-delivered Mohawk in triple black lacquer, and the second is excursion J 611 done in gloss urethane to match high gloss Dupont Imron used on the J’s subsequent repaints in modern day …….again, I’m glad you’re glad, and thank you for posting the pictures, ……not knocking your model, it just doesn’t sit well with me, …..I’d be doing a re-shoot,….