Your Hudson is a 1946 engine, the only cataloged passenger set was the 4613. It used one 653, two 652's and one 654, all red. If you want to use the correct Pullman heavyweights for the 1946 engine you need the long truck version. These have trucks 2.5" long with a blind wheel in the inner most position on each truck. This version is hard to find and cost double or more of what the 1948 and newer Pullmans will cost. For excellent condition, C7, expect to pay around $225 each. If you are willing to use the 1948 through 1953 versions then you should be able to buy C7 condition cars for $75 to $100 each. There are minor detail variations such as the specific link coupler used and whether there are one or two numbers stamped on the car sides. I recommend against using the 1953 Pikes Peak version of the 652. These can be expensive, have a lot of detail differences, are made with a different plastic, are painted, and are not correct for the engine.