Steve, Rod, Thank you guys so much. Really appreciate the response to my questions. While i would prefer to use red / gr rocker switches on the main control panel, I can see where mini toggles w 2 small LEDs will take up a lot less space and simpler to mount. Rockers would require a rectangular hole in the lexan. Much easier to drill a small round hole. Steve, thank you for the recommended specs and link. Rod, i may be contacting you about the boards. I can open the pdfs but can't open the gerber zip files.
So next question if using SPDT toggle at main control panel is: what would the wiring diagram look like to wire the sPDT to the switch motor and also to the controller at the fascia. Are there any other electronics needed in the wiring run for each switch - ie diodes, resistors, ???
Thank You, Tom
Tom, the gerber zip files can only be read by pcb manufacturing software, as used by the board houses. I posted them for those who would want to order their own boards from the likes of OSHPark in Oregon, or any of the many Asian shops.
I have not tested the boards in tandem with the DZ-1002 remotes, but they should work fine wired in parallel with them as well as the momentary toggle switches. You will need a 3 wire run from each switch back to the toggle/indicator board mounted at your panel. Then you will also need a 3 wire run from each facia mounted DZ-1002, either to the switch, or back to the panel, whichever is shorter.
The power is only a few milliamps for each, so the wiring can be light; #26 should be adequate. My thinking is that with 37 switches you are going to have a huge mess of wires running here and there to get it all hooked up. You may want to consider using something like Cat 5, 8-conductor internet wiring, at least for the long runs, just to minimize the chaos a little. Or there is #28 multi-color ribbon cable which is sold by the meter with up to 40 wires. So you can just tear off 3, 6, 9 etc. wires at a time for each run as needed.
You will also probably want multi-gang terminal blocks at your panel, maybe something like small euro terminals, which handle smaller wires nicely. They come in 12-gang blocks so one block will work for 4 switches. And they are easily cut with a knife to give you whatever number you need.
Some thoughts for you to process!