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Hi All,

For the new Lionel catalog, we will not be entering every item on our website for pre-order. We have ONLY put in the engines, passenger cars, and high-end sets. If there is something else you would like to order that you do not see, please give us a call and we will add it to your order. Please see the link below for the pre-orders on our website.

Additionally, attached you will find a spreadsheet with all the new catalog items listed with the retail price and our selling price. Remember, call us for the best price on high-ticket items!

Lionel 2025 Volume 1 Pre-Orders

For the Atlas O Premier Winter 2025 catalog, we are not putting this on our website at all. We will still take orders from it, however. If you would like to order something train related from it, please give us a call and we will take the order over the phone.




Last edited by PATSTRAINS
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Thanks for the update! If you don't mind me asking, is there a reason for not putting things on the website above and beyond just the time it takes? I ask because I know myself and it's difficult for me to get on the phone during business hours and check prices and place orders normally, but especially so when I'm looking to make a larger pre-order purchase from a catalog drop. I've purchased a couple things from your website and always had a good experience, so thank you for that! Happy to take the discussion off-line if that's better, my email is in my profile.

Over the last several years, we have noticed that the vast majority of the item types we did not put up on our website from the Lionel catalog sell very little or for the majority, not at all during the pre-order period. All the time and effort used to put them on the website ends up being wasted for items that never get pre-ordered. Then when the pre-order period is over, every item that we do not end up ordering has to be modified again to make them unavailable for order which takes even more time and effort. For reference, it took about four hours to enter the approximately 200 items entered into our website. There were at least another 200 SKUs of items not entered.

As for the Atlas O catalog, a similar situation except far less product pre-ordered usually.

As stated above, we are more than willing to order items not listed if someone wants to pre-order them. We will just add any of those items on the fly to the website if/when those orders are called in.

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