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@Tom Stoltz posted:

No news is good news???  Some S Scale guys on another group think this is the beginning of S scale with nothing to compete (no Hi-rail, no Flyer) scale is the only game in town -- dream on...

Tom Stoltz

in Maine

Oh, my. Such thinking. What do "they" think many of us have been doing since 1966? Beyond that there is a mountain of Gilbert Flyer, Lionel Flyer, and SHS on the secondary market at very affordable prices. American Models is still in business. And, so on.


I suppose it is nice that the scale operators found a positive way to look at the absence of S gauge engines in the new Lionel catalog.

I would purchase a few more E8's from AM if they had any for sale. From what I understand there are no plans to do another run.

As for "Leftovers", I have already purchased what I want of those items. I have a Legacy layout, some of the older Legacy engines are no longer repairable. I have a Challenger in that situation already. I found a source of older Legacy engines, new in mint, sealed original boxes. I just purchased $5k worth of them so I can have confidence there will be operable engines on my layout for as long as I am operable, even if Lionel never makes another one. If Lionel does new Legacy releases in the future, so much the better.

@AmFlyer posted:

< snip> I found a source of older Legacy engines, new in mint, sealed original boxes. I just purchased $5k worth of them so I can have confidence there will be operable engines on my layout for as long as I am operable, even if Lionel never makes another one. <snip>

Ah, but since they are new in mint, sealed in boxes, do we know if they run or are broken in some way? With Lionel, their iffy QC, and truly spotty  product support life is always a gamble.

In an alternate tack, I own a fleet of Legacy and TMCC engines and have come to the conclusion that if they fail, just move on or start converting them to Blunami. And, a strength of good ol' Gilbert, American Models, and several other S-specific brands that one can fall back on is that they are often/usually fixable.


All I know at this point is no one other than Lionel has touched these engines. If they have been run the smoke unit could be damages or one of the Legacy boards from track power spikes. I have a 60 day return window if there is anything wrong with them so I will take my chances.

I have a number of American Models engines converted to TMCC/Railsounds.

@AmFlyer posted:

All I know at this point is no one other than Lionel has touched these engines. If they have been run the smoke unit could be damages or one of the Legacy boards from track power spikes. I have a 60 day return window if there is anything wrong with them so I will take my chances.

I have a number of American Models engines converted to TMCC/Railsounds.

OK. Good.


That is disappointing and sad to read that Lionel is abandoning S gauge.  But, I guess I should not be surprised.  American Models hasn’t produced anything since the Budd dome car.  DesPlaines Hobbies hasn’t produced anything new since the Thrall gondolas.  Both appear to be just selling leftovers from past productions just like Lionel.  That leaves the trickle of new products from Scale Trains as the only new production.  Even if someone were to purchase Lionel’s AF tooling, the engines would not have Legacy.

It's "official": according to a Lionel representative at the Amherst Train show in Springfield, MA, over the weekend, Lionel will no longer be producing American Flyer products due to "poor sales." Lack of sales may be due to, as Tom Stoltz points out, an expensive proprietary system not supported by replacement parts and frequently questionable quality. In addition, Lionel failed to understand S scale modelers. The best example is the original cylindrical hopper that appealed to no one. Hi-rail modelers could not use it because the wheels were scale sized and misaligned at that. Scale modelers would not buy it because of fantasy schemes, huge couplers, and bolsters that made it sit far too high off the rails. It was like a bakery offering non-GMO, gluten-free, whole grain muffins covered in trans-fat frosting colored with red dye #3. If no one would buy those muffins, it was the customers' fault.

In fairness, they did redesign the trucks to correct some of those mentioned problems. I bought a bunch of the original ones and half a dozen of redesigned ones  to support them, but how many cylindrical hoppers can one modeler want?  My opinion is that S scale is stuck in the pre 1970’s. Lionel produced modern SD70ACe and ES44 diesels but no rolling stock to work with them.  O gauge (particularly Atlas O) is appealing to more modern running with well cars, auto racks, tank cars, hoppers, etc.  I would never buy Lionel AF rolling stock with 1950s  friction bearing trucks to run behind an ES44.

"Poor sales" depends on what items one is considering. Note, if you will, that the Legacy Pacifics, Legacy Berkshires, and most of the Y3a's, the reissued heavyweights (except for PE) are no longer available at dealers and are sold out. Much of the FlyerChief line is sold out. And, the most complex products have sold despite of the lack of spare parts and the dodgy QC.

What has piled up are the repaints of the Gilbert-style rolling stock that Lionel has been offering od infinitum for 40 years. The PA's are slow to sell, but again, the PA's have been done a lot over four decades, too. As JFC454 has posted Lionel produced modern SD70ACe and ES44 diesels by going to the well too often with no rolling stock to mate with them.

Make no mistake: it is Lionel who has been at fault with little imagination or creativity.


Last edited by Bob Bubeck

Buyers in N, HO, and O scale would not likely buy diesels that have headlights in the wrong position.  Maybe Lionel assumed S gauge modelers would accept all the non-heritage SD70ACe and ES44 with high mounted lights.  The 2019 and 2020 releases looked great except the headlight position was wrong for most of the models.  So I stopped buying at that point.

Was speaking to a S friend (former fellow NPS member) and he was at a large show in CT? or MA?  a couple of weeks ago.  All the large manufacturers were there.

He questioned some of them as to future S products and was disappointed to learn that not much or anything is in the pipeline.  Definitely not looking good.

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