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Awesome! Thanks for the memories.

I smile every time I see Tim Finley. I was at one of the Trainstock events. Tim was there and it was his first time seeing the layout. He was literally running around the place with his camera like a 5 year old. Every time I past him he would he would say, " This is great!". Fun times indeed.

Wow! I’m just blown away at what a great video this is. Not so much because of the trains, but what a great extended family you all created around our amazing hobby!

You guys are the best and I wish you success in finding a new home soon.

I wish we could be there to celebrate this weekend, but my boys have their usual busy schedules.

Me and my boys had such a great time visiting the club summer of 2023. Still very thankful to Ben and Junior for their amazing hospitality!


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Last edited by bigtruckpete

Great video Ben......brought back so many fond memories when Sue and I visited you guys last year.

I was apprehensive, as the only other "club" layout I have ever been to was a "Hornby" 3 rail club in Brisbane (100klm up the road from me here on the Gold Coast, in Australia) and they were a bunch of "old boys" who didn't like strangers.

You guys made me feel right at home, and I was just awe struck!!! Even let me run my brand new MTH Norfolk Southern SD-40 I just picked up from Pat at E-Z Catch Trains on Staten Island that morning.

I wish you all the best in finding a new "home", and getting the trains up and running again.

Peter.....Buco Australia.

@Buco posted:

Great video Ben......brought back so many fond memories when Sue and I visited you guys last year.

I was apprehensive, as the only other "club" layout I have ever been to was a "Hornby" 3 rail club in Brisbane (100klm up the road from me here on the Gold Coast, in Australia) and they were a bunch of "old boys" who didn't like strangers.

You guys made me feel right at home, and I was just awe struck!!! Even let me run my brand new MTH Norfolk Southern SD-40 I just picked up from Pat at E-Z Catch Trains on Staten Island that morning.

I wish you all the best in finding a new "home", and getting the trains up and running again.

Peter.....Buco Australia.

You mean this one.....

I visited the club with Peter and his wife while they were here in the States. I will second Peter's comments. Ben and the crew were great!



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Last edited by RSJB18

My first train club experience was at a Holiday open house.  I was just getting back into the hobby and was interested in joining.  All I got out of the first member I asked told me to fill out an application and the club would let me know if I was accepted.  I got some more info out of another member, before you could ever run trains you had the serve time as a spotter, then an assistant dispatcher, and then dispatcher.  Once you were allowed to run trains you had to do so under supervision.  It would be more than a year before you could run trains on your own.

The NJHRs will let you bring your trains and run them on their layout during Trainstock.  Answer any questions about the club, the layout, trains, the hobby, hockey...whatever.  They're friendly, want everyone to have a good time and go out of their way to ensure a good time is had by all.  That's the difference between their extended family and a lot of the other clubs out there.

An excellent video telling the story of the history of the layout as well as the story of the hobby. I didn't get a chance to read this the other day but I'd say it means so much more after being there at Trainstock.

I was telling my brother the other day about how nice the NJ HiRailers are. I had told him about in 2019 at the OGR 50th how Ben was explaining the control panel as well as several other things while I was taking pictures. I said to my brother how I flubbed a picture while listening to Ben and had to delete and retake the picture.

The video is a testament on how we all should be to each other, personal. I had told my brother how friendly those at the club had treated me as well as others I have come to know from seeing them at York.

I'll pop this video on my Facebook just like I popped one of the pictures I took with my phone while we were there yesterday to show what fun I was having. I know Facebook's algorithm is against video posts, but I know some of my friends on there usually see what I post. I do intend to post some of the pictures I took yesterday during the week on there as well as start up Tall Building Tuesday once again since I have new material.

When you all get into the new place and have everything for an open house, count me in, I'll be there with my camera once again to capture the running on the rails and just about everything else I can see.

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