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How you prepped before any plating process is key. The chemical company should have provided you the necessary steps for successful plating techniques. Some chemicals require a different anode for plating different materials. Obviously ferrous metals ( steel & iron ) will plate differently than non-ferrous metals, including low melt pot metals. Some oxides I blacken with specifically say not to final immerse in alcohol before dunking the part in the black oxide solution. I can tell you from experience if you went from the blast cabinet to the plating tank, you’ll have a real hard time with non-ferrous metals, especially cast, ……when you blast cast metals, the silica from either sand or ground glass gets imbedded in the metal, creating a layer of silica that repels oxides, or electrical anodes for plating…….I’d recommend you contact your plating chemical vendor, and ask them for the specific instructions based on how you’ve already prepped the components,…….you can keep trying as long as your solution hasn’t become contaminated…..


The biggest challenge in plating blasted metals is making sure the imbedded silica is removed from the metal. Steel is a lot easier, as its hardness prevents the silica from clinging in pores and crevices. If I’m plating a cast metal component that requires blasting, my steps are blast, wash, mechanical removal of silica, wash, treat as directed by plating chemical vendor, then plate.


Do you have any examples (photos) of items you have plated

I use the home plating process for automotive restoration on small parts that are either not reproduced, or the reproduction part is of poor quality…….you’re kinda digging up a lost art, as the plethora of reproduction toy train parts hit its zenith from the late 70’s onwards,……we used to do a lot more plating of toy train parts back when certain parts were stupid expensive, or just not available,…..pretty sure the mods will kill your thread if I post car parts on it,….So the only thing I have handy are some prewar and postwar side rods I had plated a long time ago, ….note the one turbine rod is only done in the copper plate process,….

Pat IMG_9315IMG_9316


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I like the idea of copper plate it’s giving me some ideals. I have four more 260e and one 263e waiting on the bench for restomod. Maybe I’ll try and plate one in copper . I removed the paint off a really early unit and under the pain it had this really great patina.41B7A4A1-61E0-4397-95BA-FB6CC0BD8573I was thinking of maybe clear coating but I didn’t . However Now I’m thinking maybe clear coating the boiler again and copper coating the frame and all the running gear.  Do you think the frame could be copper plated ?


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  • 41B7A4A1-61E0-4397-95BA-FB6CC0BD8573

Wow I just went to the link and the kits a really reasonable price thanks for link.

Yes. ….forgot to mention that, ….nothing they sell is ridiculously priced, ….they really make it a no-brainer for anything you want to do as far as coatings/platings,…..I’ve tried in the past making my own solutions, etc, etc, but in the end, dollar for dollar, their products can’t be beat, and are pretty simple to use, …..and like I said, if you’re unsure how to use their product, they have an awesome support program……


I like the idea of copper plate it’s giving me some ideals. I have four more 260e and one 263e waiting on the bench for restomod. Maybe I’ll try and plate one in copper . I removed the paint off a really early unit and under the pain it had this really great patina.41B7A4A1-61E0-4397-95BA-FB6CC0BD8573I was thinking of maybe clear coating but I didn’t . However Now I’m thinking maybe clear coating the boiler again and copper coating the frame and all the running gear.  Do you think the frame could be copper plated ?

The frame can be copper plated, however, it’s a larger part. So I would contact the vendor I’ve linked you to for the procedure. Larger parts require some extra steps for the transfer process to be successful,…..they will tell you the exact method and get you professional looking results,…..when a customer’s satisfaction is on the line, I don’t even chance it, I contact them for the process they know will work. As my pappy would tell you, surround yourself with talent, and you’ll never be disappointed,….😉


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