My locos are On30, I have a K27 and a K28, both converted to sound and DCC.
If you are saying from experience that the On3 versions differ in having fully flanged drivers, and this affects their minimum radius, I am happy to be corrected.
One thing I would emphasise is that both my locos are converted to sound and DCC, which means they have single wire tender connections (actually, one has two wires - one for the speaker and one for the tender pickup, the other has an insulated drawbar with current passing through it) . Neither locos has the original tether fitted and I would certainly agree that the original tethers are quite stiff, and this materially affects the riding of the trailing trucks on curves. I do also notice that my K27 has signs of minor relieving on the trailing truck, with a file retouched with paint - perhaps this is why?
I also wouldn’t use such radii on the scenic part of any layout. I’d say you need to be in the 30-33” plus range, even in On30 for that. I used to think otherwise but I’ve changed my view from experimentation. They look bad and run poorly on small radii and really, it’s only for short links in fiddle yards or off-stage stuff like that.
Definitely agree that track laying has to be 100% for any of this to work.
The On30 BIL 2-8-0 is very picky about curves, but the Bachman On30 2-8-0 has flanges on all wheels and no problems with radii down to 18”. If you WANT to build O Scale NG with that sort of radii, go to On30 and use the Bachman range, they will handle it - the 2-8-0 especially, is a super piece of kit at a good price, and the 2-6-0s are very nice locos.