I was seriously considering doing the same thing you are doing. I was looking into scratch building the poles using plastic "H" girders and "I" beams. I would have also had to make my own insulators using beads from a craft store. This solution was quite laborious and not cheap. I abandoned the idea because the track that I was going to make to appear to be electrified ran through a 12' long tunnel that was originally built with too low a ceiling, and the tunnel is under the middle level of our permanent layout and cannot be raised.
However, I did a google search for PRR O Scale catenary poles that led to the hyperlink below.
PRR O Scale Catenary Poles
They list the PRR "K" cross member catenary bridge poles with prices but, after reading the text that goes with the product, it seems that they do, in fact, no longer sell the product. However, they do have rudimentary working drawings that you may be able to use if you decide to go ahead with the project. I may also be able to get you better working drawings of PRR's poles if need be.
Keep us posted on your progress.