I have a PS2 Premier UP SD70ACe (20-2918-1) that I bought new a couple years ago. I haven't been able to run it a lot until recently, but I've noticed a strange anomaly that my other PS2 engines don't have.
When under load (meaning pulling a fairly heavy train) it "surges" quite heavily and constantly until you get past 8 SMPH. By surging it slows down to the verge of stalling, then it rapidly accelerates up to the programmed speed. If it's only a very light load, for example only pulling itself or several cars or if it's part of a lashup where the other engine(s) appear to keep it under control it seems to be fine. Once past 8 SMPH it seems to stabilize itself, although I can sense that it still surges very slightly (maybe more like subtly) as I can hear a slight increase in speed and slowdown by listening to the sound of the wheels of the entire train on the rails.
I've taken the shell off to look at the timing tape and verified it's clean and no smudges or missing stripes. I've also checked the tach reader and it seems to look okay as well. I've tried doing feature and factory resets, and even tried re-installing the sound file from the PS2 site (and yes I verified the sound file is the correct one). Everything else, sounds, lights, couplers, etc. all seem fine.
This is being run on an 8 x 15 layout using Atlas O track and switches, wiring was carefully done per DCS best practices (including Barry's book), current TIU and remote software versions installed. Again, none of my other dozen or so PS2 engines are encountering this symptom.
Any thoughts? I'm almost inclined to think it's something with the tach reader but I wanted to get other's input as well.