Happy TET everyone… here’s a recent addition to my roster - a Delaware & Hudson N6B woodsided caboose from Lionel.
Have a good TET
Photos and video show Long Island Rail Road bay window caboose C-69 at the tail end of a train pulled by LIRR 0-6-0 steam switcher #170 on my 10’-by-5’ layout. C-69 is an MTH Premier model (20-91041) delivered in 2001 at MSRP $44.95.
LIRR C-69 is (was?) a class N-22b bay window steel caboose. Photographs show it in Sunnyside Yard in 1978 in a yellow/blue color scheme. The model looks like the full size car except for minor differences in the windows. The LIRR car was built by Morrison International Company in 1963. The N-22b class included car numbers 64 to 70.
Thanks for starting us off MELGAR! For this fine Tuesday here are my Tailends. New Hope Railroad and Pennsylvania Railroad observation cars.
The New Hope Railroad Obs is a custom made open air car for the tourist railroad.
The PRR Obs is the tailend of the Limited.
Here is a tale end of a different sort. A PRR tugboat preparing to move a scrap barge away from the dock.
More LIRR bay window, this time in the black and orange Dashing Dan scheme. This is the latest caboose added to my roster. A MTH RK at a very reasonable price fit the bill for my new found LIRR fleet. I haven't researched this unit for a 1:1 prototype but thanks to Mel's research I know it wasn't one of LIRR's N22bs.
Well for today, here is my "streamlined" "port hole" Chessie System caboose. I run this with my "Chessie Steam Special" steam locomotive on some Chessie System freights even though that configuration is just a figment of my imagination. This Lionel C&O #9167 caboose dates between 1974-1976 so it was brand new about 50 years ago and was one of the products of the "new" MPC Lionel .
Happy T.E.T. everyone, Best Wishes
Have a good TET all!
@coach joe posted:More LIRR bay window, this time in the black and orange Dashing Dan scheme. This is the latest caboose added to my roster. A MTH RK at a very reasonable price fit the bill for my new found LIRR fleet. I haven't researched this unit for a 1:1 prototype but thanks to Mel's research I know it wasn't one of LIRR's N22bs.
The book from which I got my information is "Cabin Cars of the Pennsylvania and Long Island Railroads - Caboose Data Book Number 2" published by N.J. International in 1988. It shows LIRR C-80 as Class N52b, a small bay window caboose. A caption states that it was the only one of its kind on the LIRR and home built by the LIRR in 1962 on the frame of an ex New York, Ontario & Western wood caboose. C-80 was orange with a "Dashing Dan" logo. There is also a photo of LIRR C-80 in the yellow and blue scheme similar to my model of C-69.
A yellow and blue version of C-80 was delivered as MTH Premier 20-91041 (same run and model number as my C-69) in March 2001.
Your model of C-80 appears to be MTH Trains 30-77295 delivered in November 2016 at MSRP $64.95. It can be seen on the MTH Trains website at https://www.mthtrains.com/30-77295.
It also appears to me that the same model of the MTH bay window caboose may have been made in both Premier and Railking versions - but I'm not certain about that.
@MELGAR, thank you Mel. K-Line produced shorty bay window cabooses although I am not sure if a LIRR was among the ones produced. I always thought it odd that K-Line did that but apparently there was (were) a prototype(s). I'll actually be adding one to the roster soon. A NYC livered short bay window, coming in a K-Line Plymouth Switcher set. I'll have to do some research to see if K-Line did produce a LIRR shorty.
@coach joe posted:@MELGAR, thank you Mel. K-Line produced shorty bay window cabooses although I am not sure if a LIRR was among the ones produced. I always thought it odd that K-Line did that but apparently there was (were) a prototype(s). I'll actually be adding one to the roster soon. A NYC livered short bay window, coming in a K-Line Plymouth Switcher set. I'll have to do some research to see if K-Line did produce a LIRR shorty.
This link http://www.legacykline.com/ord...;p_oem_sku=K614-1371 goes to information about a K-Line Milwaukee Road short bay window caboose K614-1371. Looking through the listings, I don't see any other roadnames...
The site also shows a bay window caboose similar to the MTH model.
To continue the tale of MTA tails… how about a hop across the Hudson River for a Metro North bay window caboose (interestingly enough, a custom run from Nassau Hobby on Lawn-guy-lind!!!).
@MELGAR, from your link it appears that K-Line numbered the shorty bay windows beginning with 614. Your link shows a B&O, no picture, the Milwaukee, and a Coca cola. I searched 614, the first two items are C&NW GP38s ending in 614, then several 4 piece sets and the three separate sale shorties previously mentioned. The four sets are a B&O set, a LIRR set with a blue and yellow shorty bay window numbered C-63 (prototypical C-80), a Raritan Copper Works and a Timken each containing a short bay window. One can only wonder if LIRR C-80 was the basis of K-Line's short wheel base bay window caboose.
The B7O, Milw and LIRR were 1999-2000 releases while the remainder were 2005 releases.
Photos and video show my “New Jersey Train” trailed by Central Railroad of New Jersey caboose #91530 (by MTH Premier) and led by Raritan River Rail Road #20, a Railking Imperial model of a USRA 0-6-0 steam switcher on the O36 inner loop of my 12’-by-8’ layout.
For this Tuesday I have 7 tail ends in 1photo. Tail ends of 3 containers, tail ends of 2 sidings and tail ends of 2 gondolas .
Well here is a postwar beauty sill working on main line freights. This is an early pw caboose from 1947-1948, the Lionel Lines # 2357. Here she is trailing a line of pw boxcars but pulled with a Kline Alco S-2.
Best wishes on a cloudy but warm Tuesday here in Central Texas
Another Tail End Tuesday upon us. God Speed All!
Williams New Haven
And for the PW Lionel collectors (like Don Mc Erlean)
MPC Lionel U.P.
A recent addition to my cabin roster. Interestingly enough out of all my 2 rail PRR cabins, I did not have the N5c. Finally rectified that with this Sunnyside brass model imported from in Japan. Now I am on the hunt for a decent ND bobber, but not in any rush on that one.
@Dave Ripp. posted:
I did a double take on this one and had scroll back to see that your Atlas one is in a different number. Very cool.
@GG1 4877 posted:I did a double take on this one and had scroll back to see that your Atlas one is in a different number. Very cool.
Johnathan, I have a lot LOL. I'm just going down the shelves one at a time, so I don't duplicate.
@Dave Ripp. posted:Johnathan, I have a lot LOL. I'm just going down the shelves one at a time, so I don't duplicate.
I didnthe same thing! 😆 But then I remember seeing that big wall of BNSF stuff, so I didn't say anything.
Here's my rear for this fine Tuesday! The observation car end of a set that Lionel made exclusively for Schweppes Ginger Ale company of the U.K., as a promotional item. The set comes with an ALCO FA1 leading the way complete with headlight and horn. The cars embrace the classic post-war passenger design used in 027 train sets. My last name being Whtehead gave me no choice ... I had to purchase this set which was actually spotted by my friend Randy Harrison's ( fellow fortnite ) son Chris at a train show in Maryland.
Western Pacific Tail ends!
Borrowing @leapinlarry 's photo, anyone know what the big P means on this caboose?
@c.sam that Hickory Creek and MR Sky top are beautiful. Where was the photo of the N&W caboose taken?
@trumpettrain, Here I was thinking you had a set custom painted. Of course you couldn't leave that beauty at the show, I did the same at a train show with a 1/34 GMC tow truck because I apparently own a truck repair shop in Lime Springs, Iowa. I also have a LeMax Department Store and General Store because I am also a retail magnate. Back to your picture, that is a sharply decorated set.
And one tail end for Scott, @WesternPacific2217,
This caboose has to come out of storage and head for the work bench with about 150 other projects. When I got this caboose I went straight to the Lionel web site in search of the missing handrails shown in pics 2 & 3. Of course they were out of stock. I was periodically experimenting with colored paperclips and Sharpie Markers trying to get an orange close enough to use as handrails. Recently looking at a Bay Window caboose parts diagram on the Lionel website I came across similar orange handrails for the Bay Window. I believe that if they are not an exact match for color or design, they have to be close enough to make fit. The platform rails on each end will get glued back on and I'll have to straighten out the roof walk. I'll post this in a future edition of Tail End Tuesday whenever the work gets completed.
Hi Coach. This is the one housed at the NC Transportation Museum in Spencer a couple of years ago.
Well, I can't hardly believe that I am the first to post on this (rainy, cold) Thursday but I suppose anything is possible. Today I have one of two cabooses that I have been seeking for some time. I purchased a neat Lionel #247 B&O steamer about 6 mos ago at a train show and then realized I had no B&O caboose to match it with. You would not think that B&O would be that hard to find, but for some reason it was illusive. Finally just last week I acquired this Kline B&O caboose to run with my #247. Now its a "Chessie System" B&O which given the date of the formation of the Chessie System, I doubt that this caboose ever ran behind steam...but I am not that particular...Its B&O and that's good enough for me.
So here is my Kline #6110 Chessie System, B&O caboose from 1985.
Have a happy Tuesday everyone! Best Wishes