The infamous Tony Lash, owner of a large waste control company, had a huge train layout, in a room outside of his office, where he could go into, shut the door, and forget his problems running long beautiful trains. He had over a mile of track, nicely laid, with super long runs, passenger and freight consist. His turntable was made by AAA, super expensive, 36 inch bridge, almost entirely MTH, actually, he could have been considered a subsidiary of MTH he had so much. He ran trains convectional as most of his trains were Proto 1. Just prior to DCS. OGR did a beautiful video of his layout, (as they did of Marty Fitzhenry), and TM may have done a video to, not sure. Either way, his layout was professionally built, well landscaped, and very desirable. I think Mike Wolfe and Tony were great friends. Thanks for bringing this topic for our review.