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I am having an issue where an engine with odyssey only moves forward... Does anyone know if it is possible that whatever i have circled there on the board is stuck in open position or something...or am i totally off? and if it is possibly that, what is that actually so i can try to replace?

Or does anyone have any other ideas of what it can be?



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Check if the four pin connector from the motherboard has any open connections.  Either the PWM signal isn't getting there or one of the drive FET's is bad.  They're the four TO220 packages bolted to the heatsink.  It could be an R2LC board, so you could swap that with a working engine to see if that's the issue.

Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

Well, only half of the FET's are N-channel, the others are P-channel.  In addition, you'd have to compare the spec's of the Amazon ones to the actual FET's used for the DCDS Odyssey board.

The DCDS uses an H-bridge motor driver circuit that uses two of the IRF9540N P-channel FET as well as two of the P33N10 N-channel FET.  Hard to say which are possible defective without actually seeing it.  I certainly wouldn't be sticking random FET parts into the board, that's not likely to yield a good result.

There have been other FET pairs used over the years in the DCDS boards.

Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

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