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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Well folks, I could not find a specific place to post these since "gondolas" seem to be somewhat forgotten.  I like them mostly for their varied livery which given their straight length, is usually well displayed.  So I acquired these 2 recently.

The first is an "oldie", Tuscan brown with type G trucks, the Marx Canadian Pacific drop end gondola is from 1957.  Saved from a box under the table at a train show for $10 it was too good a buy to pass up.  IMHO in great shape for 67 years old.

Marx CP gondola side view

At the opposite end of the age scale, this Lionel (MPC), Lionel Lines, gondola is from 1984 (but was uncatalogued).  I purchased it really just because I liked the livery with the orange / dark blue design and the prominent Lionel logo.  I also liked that it came with blue canisters, which I had not seen before, and I thought they looked cool.

Lionel 6214 gondola side view

Well those are my most recent "finds"...Best Wishes



Images (2)
  • Marx CP gondola side view
  • Lionel 6214 gondola side view