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@Apples55 so glad I could help out in providing some minimal information on PRR M&E trains!  The coach looks great.  Overall, I find these less common trains more fun to build than the name trains that we see so many versions of.  These were the workaday trains that made the railroads money while facing losses on traditional passenger service due to cars and planes and I think they are great to model.  Have fun with your new find!

When I purchased that Williams Santa Fe ALCO F ABA set shown in a previous post, I couldn't pass up another NIB Williams ALCO Union Pacific AB set which I ended up getting for practically a steal on eBay.  The Union Pacific operated many of these for freight service back in the late 1940s and early 1950s. I have yet to install the cab crew, which arrives Friday, but was anxious to try it out and it performs beautifully. A welcome addition to my small Union Pacific engine fleet.


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  • mceclip0

As @pennsyfan so aptly said after he purchased one car:

"Then I clicked on seller's other items."

Same thing happened a week ago. Bought a Lionel TCA aluminum car at a good price and then checked "seller's other items." Bought SIX more which arrived yesterday:

ouIRM store purchase


NOTE: Car pictured is one I had on hand and is included to show the LIONEL TCA livery used for the seven-car set and give a sense of the size of the shipping box from Illinois Railway Museum store.


Images (2)
  • IRM store purchase
  • IRM 2
Last edited by Pingman
@pennsyfan posted:

Picked up these Mint/Boxed K Line reefers on the bay with an average price of $15.50. They have additional scale couplers, inserts to make product boxes and ice. Curiously the butter and egg one had an envelope full of pork carcass’. I always thought Maury made the best reefers.

SORRY Bob......I guess my eyesight isn't what it used to be..........I can't see the pork carcasses ! 

@Pingman posted:

As @pennsyfan so aptly said after he purchased one car:

"Then I clicked on seller's other items."

Same thing happened a week ago. Bought a Lionel TCA aluminum car at a good price and then checked "seller's other items." Bought SIX more which arrived yesterday:


NOTE: Car pictured is one I had on hand and is included to show the LIONEL TCA livery used for the seven-car set and give a sense of the size of the shipping box from Illinois Railway Museum store.

Seems like you’re trying to corner the market on those old TCA cars, Carl All kidding aside, I love the quality of the Lionel 15” and 18” aluminum cars… wish they’d go back to making them with led lighting and detailed interiors - they look so much better on smaller layouts.

@Apples55 posted:

Seems like you’re trying to corner the market on those old TCA cars, Carl All kidding aside, I love the quality of the Lionel 15” and 18” aluminum cars…wish they’d go back to making them with led lighting and detailed interiors - they look so much better on smaller layouts.

Agree with you 100%, Paul. 21" passenger cars look out of place on all but the largest of layouts.

As for cornering the market, that would take serious $$$ since the TCA aluminum cars are so prevalent on ebay. My stash includes roughly 3 complete sets minus the center mounted vista dome car. They make fantastic donors for paint projects. And even in original livery, they make for a very striking passenger train.

These 3 arrived from Trainz yesterday. They're my first Marx steam locos. A 999, and two 666s. The 999 moved a little but then it just buzzes so maybe it's the reverse unit. I'll try a little contact cleaner. The motor and wheels spin freely.


This 666 with double-reduction gearing ran as soon as I put it on the track and even started smoking - the good kind of smoke. I heard that Marx engines are good smokers and this is, with a nice chuffing to it. It's good and slow and it has a nice bright headlight.


This beautiful 666 with double reduction gearing only buzzed. I sprayed some contact cleaner up into the reverse unit and oiled it and it started running well and smoking but soon the front drive rods came loose because the sliding plate that connects to the drive rods to activate the chuffing smoke fell off. I have the 666 that does work so I'll have to compare them and figure out how to reposition that sliding piece and the drive rods.

These 3 engines together were only $59 as-is at Trainz. With my rewards points the three went down to less than $55 total so I think I got a great deal.



Images (3)
  • 999
  • 666black
  • 666green

These purchases ARE NOT my fault… I blame @MELGAR for posting pictures of one of these cars on several occasions of late. With my known proclivity for things NYC, it didn’t take long for the voices to take over (and I know that they are MY voices since they speak fluent Brooklynese):

Me: that is an interesting and different NYC boxcar.

Voice #1: you really need one a deeze K-Line cars…

Voice #2: Yo!!! Lookee here - you really need one a dem MTH cars…

Voice #3: ya know… a pair a doze would look really great wit dat set of jade green E8’s…

Voice #4 (after browsing the OGR Forum): wow… Lionel made one too!!!

Me: I think it’s time for a couple of adult beverages



Images (1)
  • IMG_6730
@Apples55 posted:

These purchases ARE NOT my fault… I blame @MELGAR for posting pictures of one of these cars on several occasions of late. With my known proclivity for things NYC, it didn’t take long for the voices to take over (and I know that they are MY voices since they speak fluent Brooklynese):

Me: that is an interesting and different NYC boxcar.

Voice #1: you really need one a deeze K-Line cars…

Voice #2: Yo!!! Lookee here - you really need one a dem MTH cars…

Voice #3: ya know… a pair a doze would look really great wit dat set of jade green E8’s…

Voice #4 (after browsing the OGR Forum): wow… Lionel made one too!!!

Me: I think it’s time for a couple of adult beverages


Do doze cars come in Lawn-guiland???


@Apples55 posted:

These purchases ARE NOT my fault… I blame @MELGAR for posting pictures of one of these cars on several occasions of late. With my known proclivity for things NYC, it didn’t take long for the voices to take over (and I know that they are MY voices since they speak fluent Brooklynese):

Me: that is an interesting and different NYC boxcar.

Voice #1: you really need one a deeze K-Line cars…

Voice #2: Yo!!! Lookee here - you really need one a dem MTH cars…

Voice #3: ya know… a pair a doze would look really great wit dat set of jade green E8’s…

Voice #4 (after browsing the OGR Forum): wow… Lionel made one too!!!

Me: I think it’s time for a couple of adult beverages

Ah, the beauty of "hobby logic" Brooklyn-style.

Sam,  That is a sharp Mikado.

I was trolling around on Trainz last week and my wife saw me admiring a Prince Albert reefer.  This past Monday it arrived.  It was very dirty, I mean filthy.  I disassembled the car and my bride cleaned it up.  So here is my first billboard reefer.  I'm going to let her see me looking at more reefers.



Videos (1)
Prince Albert

Sam,  That is a sharp Mikado.

I was trolling around on Trainz last week and my wife saw me admiring a Prince Albert reefer.  This past Monday it arrived.  It was very dirty, I mean filthy.  I disassembled the car and my bride cleaned it up.  So here is my first billboard reefer.  I'm going to let her see me looking at more reefers.


Sir, I dare say a double congratulations are in order

@Apples55 posted:

These purchases ARE NOT my fault… I blame @MELGAR for posting pictures of one of these cars on several occasions of late. With my known proclivity for things NYC, it didn’t take long for the voices to take over (and I know that they are MY voices since they speak fluent Brooklynese):

Me: that is an interesting and different NYC boxcar.

Voice #1: you really need one a deeze K-Line cars…

Voice #2: Yo!!! Lookee here - you really need one a dem MTH cars…

Voice #3: ya know… a pair a doze would look really great wit dat set of jade green E8’s…

Voice #4 (after browsing the OGR Forum): wow… Lionel made one too!!!

Me: I think it’s time for a couple of adult beverages


Does are definitely your voices.  I think you may have already had an adult beverage or two.

Well folks, I could not find a specific place to post these since "gondolas" seem to be somewhat forgotten.  I like them mostly for their varied livery which given their straight length, is usually well displayed.  So I acquired these 2 recently.

The first is an "oldie", Tuscan brown with type G trucks, the Marx Canadian Pacific drop end gondola is from 1957.  Saved from a box under the table at a train show for $10 it was too good a buy to pass up.  IMHO in great shape for 67 years old.

Marx CP gondola side view

At the opposite end of the age scale, this Lionel (MPC), Lionel Lines, gondola is from 1984 (but was uncatalogued).  I purchased it really just because I liked the livery with the orange / dark blue design and the prominent Lionel logo.  I also liked that it came with blue canisters, which I had not seen before, and I thought they looked cool.

Lionel 6214 gondola side view

Well those are my most recent "finds"...Best Wishes



Images (2)
  • Marx CP gondola side view
  • Lionel 6214 gondola side view

Well folks, I could not find a specific place to post these since "gondolas" seem to be somewhat forgotten.  I like them mostly for their varied livery which given their straight length, is usually well displayed.  So I acquired these 2 recently.

The first is an "oldie", Tuscan brown with type G trucks, the Marx Canadian Pacific drop end gondola is from 1957.  Saved from a box under the table at a train show for $10 it was too good a buy to pass up.  IMHO in great shape for 67 years old.

Marx CP gondola side view

At the opposite end of the age scale, this Lionel (MPC), Lionel Lines, gondola is from 1984 (but was uncatalogued).  I purchased it really just because I liked the livery with the orange / dark blue design and the prominent Lionel logo.  I also liked that it came with blue canisters, which I had not seen before, and I thought they looked cool.

Lionel 6214 gondola side view

Well those are my most recent "finds"...Best Wishes


Ahh the humble gondola.....

Nice cars Don.

Power company took the grid down for my neighborhood for some maintenece today, so I decided to drop by my local train store to just browse... I ended up walking out of there with 2 Atlas O freight cars that will go perfectly with my steam engines, one of which I was on the hunt for a number of years.. A... I cannot say the name of it or I might get banned 11,000 gallon tank car. The other car was this nice Union Pacific steel box car.



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  • 20240425_130125~2
  • 20240425_131005~2
Last edited by MichaelB
@MichaelB posted:

Power company took the grid down for my neighborhood for some maintenece today, so I decided to drop by my local train store to just browse... I ended up walking out of there with 2 Atlas O freight cars that will go perfectly with my steam engines, one of which I was on the hunt for a number of years.. A... I cannot say the name of it or I might get banned 11,000 gallon tank car. The other car was this nice Union Pacific steel box car.


Nice tank car, I haven’t seen those graphics before. I bought a tank car with that name on line. The seller lived a town over from my son. He said he would drop it off. The next day I got this text from him. “ I just dropped the Hooker off at your Son’s house”. 😱

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