Am going to lift this from yesterday's WFF post by D500 showing our mutual friend George at the tracks in Mobile Shipyard with the SS United States steamliner in the background. 37 years ago George stumbled into my hobby shop north of New Orleans wanting to become an official Lionel Service Station. We had a RC Racetrack and I flew RC aerobatics and hadn't thought about trains since early high school. Next thing I know, I have a 'wall of trains' and began the slippery slope of model RRing. Became a 1st generation MTH Dealer too!
We applied and he secured station #224 which he still operates today as 'Uncle Sam's Trains'. He is responsible for getting me into this wonderful hobby that I still enjoy today. He plans to move from New Orleans to these mountains when he retires. A good friend yet today!
How many of you had or worked in a facility that was a Lionel Service Station? How many are still out there?
I gather from George that Lionel has withdrawn much of their support from you guys and wants customers to send everything to Concord for warranty work and may not have any more training or seminars for individual repair folk in recent years.
Came across this old hand drawn business card recently as I was going through some files..