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@walt rapp posted:

This must be in Patsburg suburbs.   This was my first attempt, ever, at creating and capturing a night scene on one of my Christmas layouts.  I believe Bing Ferguson's house is the big one on the right - looks like a window cleaner is hard at work.

- walt

z - First attempt at a lighted town scene 1995

Walt, great start on your "night" photography...the lantern posts really pop the scene!

Last edited by Capetrainman
@coach joe posted:

DST begins as does Lent.  Me thinks you'll be heading to the Friday Fish Frys soon.  Could a walk up the street to the hobby shop be far behind?  You should post a picture of the locos that have followed you home from the Fish Fry.

OK we go 20250325_13141620250325_13144320250325_13152320250325_13200520250325_13203720250325_132141 careful when ordering desert at St. Joseph's in Force Pa. ( just down the hill from the VALLEY FARM MARKET ).

From top :                                                                                      DM&IR  Allegheny   and Clinchfield Challenger                  UP Challenger  and   Erie Triplex                                            WM Challenger  and  WM Pacific                                            Up FEF  and  Pennsy 0-6-0                                                         Pennsy Turbine  and  B&O Pacific                                           B&O 0-6-0                                       

All ps3 RK Imperials except for the ps3 Premier Pennsy #8166 / 0-6-0.


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OK we go careful when ordering desert at St. Joseph's in Force Pa. ( just down the hill from the VALLEY FARM MARKET ).

From top :                                                                                      DM&IR  Allegheny   and Clinchfield Challenger                  UP Challenger  and   Erie Triplex                                            WM Challenger  and  WM Pacific                                            Up FEF  and  Pennsy 0-6-0                                                         Pennsy Turbine  and  B&O Pacific                                           B&O 0-6-0                                       

All ps3 RK Imperials except for the ps3 Premier Pennsy #8166 / 0-6-0.

Dallas, are you saying you bought all those beauties from Charlie up in Weedville?  They look super as does the part of the layout where you took the photographs!  I haven't been up there for many years.

@Mark Boyce posted:

Dallas, are you saying you bought all those beauties from Charlie up in Weedville?  They look super as does the part of the layout where you took the photographs!  I haven't been up there for many years.

Yep.....I'm glad Charlie and Judy get along really well.

I can't remember how many fish fries they were collected over.    I think Charlie allowed me to purchases a few diesels and accesories also.

Thanks Mark . I am going to have to get back into some layout work instead of just collecting know how that works sir.

FOR TODAY:  Don and Juan have a business meeting down by the tracks.  They arrive at 11:25 for their 11:30 meeting.  


They wait patiently for 30 minutes.   Don mutters " Where in da heck is Izzy?  You told him 11:30 right Juan?"  Jaun answers nervously  while  simultaneously shaking his head in the affirmative  with a quizzical look on his face. " Well uh yeah uh uh Don I either did or I didn't."  Don's face turns three shades of red  ... " I know either you did or you didn't Juan!  I asked you if you did!" Juan answers with nose and eyes scrunched up .." I may have told him P.M.? ).  " Well it's now noon and me thinks you did tell him PM cause he ain't here!  Do you see him here?  Because I don't see him here!!"  Don yells  as he throws both hands in the air while spinning around on his heels.  Juan looking rather consiliatory rests his hands on Don's right shoulder " Come on Donnie, let me buy you lunch.   We can head over to the Lunch Bunch Diner and lunch is on me."  Don, in a much more agreeable tone nods " Well, alright Juan but before you stick a utensil in that mug of yours, you're going to put a dime in that pay phone and confirm the meeting with Izzy. Right?"  "Absolutely Don" Izzy replies while fumbling for the car keys which are in his pocket.  " And one more thing Juan.  I want two scoops of ice cream for desert"  Don says with a wink and a smile.  


Off to lunch they go.


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OK we go 20250325_13141620250325_13144320250325_13152320250325_13200520250325_13203720250325_132141 careful when ordering desert at St. Joseph's in Force Pa. ( just down the hill from the VALLEY FARM MARKET ). you would come by for more des

From top :                                                                                      DM&IR  Allegheny   and Clinchfield Challenger                  UP Challenger  and   Erie Triplex                                            WM Challenger  and  WM Pacific                                            Up FEF  and  Pennsy 0-6-0                                                         Pennsy Turbine  and  B&O Pacific                                           B&O 0-6-0                                       

All ps3 RK Imperials except for the ps3 Premier Pennsy #8166 / 0-6-0.

What a line-up!  Your not the only one missing those fish fries, I'm pretty certain Charlie is wishing you would come by for some more dessert.

Last edited by coach joe

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