I took this picture about 30 years ago. When my Son's family moved in, there was a rickety fence trackside. My Grandson was a baby. I told my son that his first priority was a cyclone fence; no excuses.
@pennsyfan- WOW that is close. I lived in NJ most of my early life (from 5 to 21) and while we were about 2 blocks from a RR track it was a little used freight line not NJ Transit! Good call Bob.
Best Wishes
@c.sam - Great picture! Don
@trumpettrain posted:For this fine Thursday; " Trackside in the dark side." ( Click on image for improved view. )
WOW Patrick, what a well executed scene, great work!
Looks great, Patrick!
Thanks so much Gene and Mark!!
My first post here - a patrol of Scouts backpacking somewhere along the Mississippi Palisades. Never far away from a set of railroad tracks.
@ScoutingDad posted:
This picture is taken from outside the front bay window so there are some strange reflections. I have my iPhone right up against the window, but it's a double pain window and the reflections are from the inner windowpane. Apologies!
The sun is setting as some of the cows are looking on while the "We Take Your Steak" space invaders attempt to steal a cow!
Happy Thursday!
Scott, that’s a nice scene even with the other worldly ‘cattle rustlers’. 😃
The streamlined loco for today's Atlanta express pulls out of the yard to take over the consist. The crew has her all shined up to celebrate the upcoming celebration for the opening of the MLB season. GO BRAVES!!
Happy Thursday everyone. Finally getting some spring rain here in central Texas. Best Wishes to All
Here's my trackside shots for this fine Thursday!
Engineer Gunny Hitchens is at the throttle of a Lackawanna RR camelback. He's about to see if this locomotive really will do 100 mph.
Stopped, going on 30 minutes, on a bridge for red a signal, fireman Silas McCann wishes he'd brought his fishing pole along.