I have been trying to get a prewar Lionel whistle to work in a 636W. I did all the standard fixes to the motor and relay. whistle box is clean. Found out the impeller was slipping on the shaft so I glued it in place since the end clearance was large. after I glued it in place (not knowing the exact location to do so) it was too tight. But now I have a very close end clearance by adding another gasket. It spins freely and motor runs. Kind of loud, like a vacuum cleaner. But no whistle.
The impeller seems to be the right diameter. The photo shows about an 3/32 to 1/8 inch diameter clearance in total so less than 1/16 gap when centered. Seems like the right impeller.
I even tried shop air through the impeller and chamber with no whistle. Spins nice though.
What is the proper rotation direction of the impeller? Looking at the impeller, it is going clockwise.
It’s got me stumped.
Any ideas?