I've got several Lionel GPs, 7s, 9s, 20s even a 38, and some K-Line MP15s that have that awful 1/2'" gap between the truck and the frame. Has anyone designed and printed spacers to fill this gap. I know there are a lot of discussions on the 3RS forum about making fixed pilots, I'm not looking to fix the pilots just put a filler piece on the truck to make that gap less noticeable. I believe one of our members, @CentralFan1976 comes to mind, had some designs on Shapeways. I never got around to having Shapeways print some for me and now that's not an option. I'm working on an MP15 now and was looking at fabricating some spacers for it but as I stare at my shelves of a diesels I see quite a few candidates and getting the spacers printed instead of fabricating them looks like the way to go.
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