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Yes, I am too early.

Finally I have access to my club layout. Two weeks without train running at the club. Yes it was a mess.


Yesterday I went to the Charlotte area and picked up train repairs from Mike Reagan.

These boxes contained uncatalogued MTH parts.


Here is a box with Premier ESE parts:


The parts are measured and photographed and added to website before they are shipped back to Maryland.



Research has to be done to figure out what the parts go to. He has the technical drawings however they don't say what they go to.


Many time the boxes are just a pile of unknown parts.


Here is a box of motors..what do they go to?


Now back to Roanoke for train pictures.

MTH/Ives 3245's



PicturesScott Smith


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  • Pictures
Last edited by scott.smith
Original Post

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Last week I posted photos of the south side of my free-lanced 10’-by-5’ model railroad. Today’s photos show the north side, which also occupies a 5’-by-5’ area. The scenery transitions from a town on the south side to a factory/rural area on the north side. The track crosses a river-valley on two scratch-built bridges (truss and trestle) and enters a tunnel under the north hill. The track exits the south portal of the tunnel onto an abutment and then onto the truss bridge. Even a short train is in the tunnel, on the abutment, and on the bridge all at once. The tunnel and hill are lightweight - made from urethane “stone” walls and carved pink foam - and can easily be lifted off the layout. The track is accessible for cleaning through an opening at the back of the hill. The vertical distance from the riverbank to the top of the hill is 24 inches (96 feet full scale) and creates an impression of size on what is a small O gauge scene. The Chromium Process Company and Bridgeport Tool & Die are scratch-built structures.




Images (10)
  • MELGAR_2025_0317_02B_10X5_NORTH_OVERVIEW
  • MELGAR_2025_0317_04_10X5_RIVER_VALLEY
  • MELGAR_2025_0317_07_10X5_RIVER_VALLEY
  • MELGAR_2025_0317_08_10X5_RIVER_VALLEY
  • MELGAR_2025_0317_08B_10X5_SOUTH_PORTAL
  • MELGAR_2025_0317_13_10X5_BRIDGEPORT_TOOL_&_DIE
  • MELGAR_2025_0317_14_10X5_SUPPLYCO
  • MELGAR_2025_0317_17_10X5_SS71

A Lionel "set" I bought my kid back in 1996, a pair of Alco FA units dragging a similarly schemed string of passenger cars:

I've never seen evidence of an all-black passenger scheme for the Reading, so I presume this was a fantasy scheme developed by Lionel's art department. No problem, as it worked well for a kid that was a huge fan of Batman and the Black Ranger, lol.


Last edited by pd

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