Scott unveiled a run 2 SP Lark at the Chicago 2 rail show this weekend. This offering is Long Overdue. Stay tuned for details to be posted on the GGD Webpage.
Cheers 😉
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That’s unexpected and very exciting! Since I got my hands on a mostly complete Lark 2 years ago, I hope I can order a Lark Club triple unit to finish my set off.
Some info available now on Third and Townsend Models O Scale Preorder page:
I think the Lark went into production in 2013 and was delivered late that year or or early 2014. It’s Definitely been a long time for run 2 to pop up. They Rarely !!!! show up in the secondary/resale market !!!!
Here’s a nice throwback pic to wet your whistle. If anyone has any nice pix of their GGD Lark they can add, Please Do !!!
Cheers 😉
This 2013 set was beautiful. I purchased it mainly for two cars that sparked my interest. The RPO and the BAGGAGE.
Yes, the stream-styled head end cars are fantastic. A unique SP shop build that has been rarely modeled. A couple of the baggage cars were also painted in Daylight for use on the San Joaquin; offering these for seperate sale would be a nice add on.