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I was planning on selling two Railking PS2 engines, one steam and one diesel, but now I was thinking, it would be better to keep them for spare electronic parts.
Just checking with everyone else does, either sell or just keeping them.
Just not sure whats going to be needed down the road, to keep my other Railking engines up and running?

Last edited by Allan Miller
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Sell the steam, keep the diesel. Usually easier to upgrade electronics on diesels. Or you can remove the motors and use it as a dummy, and you still have the coil couplers, center rollers, lights, speaker. I converted an MTH PS1 GP9 to TMCC dummy using an LCRU I had laying around. Might have burned out one of the triac for the coil couplers, based upon something Gunrunnerjohn said about resistance of MTH coil couplers.

A few years ago, I was thinking about thinning my roster. Getting rid of some engines and rolling stuck that rarely saw track time.  I hadn’t been using a PS3 Railking Erie Lackawanna E8 ABA much so I got it out to take a few pics and to check the chronometer and odometer. I figured I would put it up for sale.  It was right around this time of year so if someone wanted it, I could deliver it at York to avoid shipping charges. But when I got it out and ran it, I remembered why I got it. It looks great. The EL paint scheme just does something for me. And it sounds great. Nice loping idle, nice diesel rumble at speed, nice horn, nice bell. It’s one of the best sounding diesels I have. So, I decided not to sell. It had close to 1000 scale miles so I gave it a lube job and kept it in the roster.

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I had laying around. Might have burned out one of the triac for the coil couplers, based upon something Gunrunnerjohn said about resistance of MTH coil couplers.

Yep, if you use the PS2/3 couplers on a TMCC board, they draw far too much current.  They'll work a few times before they cook the coupler triac.  FWIW, the PS/1 couplers are compatible with TMCC boards.

And then there are guys who don't care for "sounds" such as myself.  I have three RK steamers and a half dozen or so MPC Lionel engines with sound too, and I just run them quietly along side prewar and postwar Lionel.  However, I admit some of the videos you guys provide are pretty darn amazing, smoke, bells, whistles, chugging and talking, realistic to incredible levels. each their own, just enjoy the hobby, that's what counts.  


So step one is determine if the engine was PS1 or PS2; I have the box, just look at the original MTH number and/or MTH website. For sure the donor was GP9 (put an IC cab on it of course).

Step 2 is see if a fried triac is the problem. Could be a loose connection.

Step 3 is see if I can find a replacement and repair.

But Step 4, what do I do, put a resistor in series with it? Give up? Swap?

Most definite the donor engine was NOT PS3.

Then another project is lift a ERR Cruise out of a Williams Trainmaster and into a set of MTH PS1 NP F3, and as I recall, I need to buy some plastic shield, of which you already answered.

Bob B. and others ...

What?  Sell a train when most products may be worth less than the price you paid for it? If taking a financial loss isn't an issue, consider the psycho-emotional loss of treasured items -- which may be too much to bear.

Years ago, after a spate of medical issues (TIA, stroke, and a cardiac incident) I decided to sell my large O-gauge collection of Rock Island trains made by several manufacturers, along with many accessories, structures, and 1:43 vehicles. My thought was to spare my widow the daunting task of disposing of the trains -- 8 pages of inventory. Stout Auctions handled the sale, and I received what I thought was an "about right" payment. Then I recovered and began to regret that decision. I'm now 84, but I realize my trains will have to be disposed of somehow -- sooner or later.

My remaining RI trains are mementos, and I have allocated them to family members in my Will after I board the Post Mortem Express bound for Grand Celestial Station.  That works for me and her. Until then, I'll keep the "shelf queens" now now on display in the Train Room:
* MTH Aerotrain with RI décor plus 10 coaches
* MTH Alco DL109 with RI passenger cars
* Lionel "Northern" steam loco with freight cars
* Third Rail Rock Island TA diesel set with PEORIA ROCKET passenger cars
* Lionel Rock Island E6A diesel with RI passenger cars
* Lionel "General" RI steam loco and RI&P passenger cars.

These train sets are reminders of my lifelong interest in the Rock Island, the railroad that served my home town (Peoria, IL) when I was a boy in the late 1940s and early 50s. I was then an occasional passenger aboard the Peoria Rocket.  During decades of involvement in the hobby, I collected trains of the RI. Now I can't bring myself to sell these remaining trains because they are precious memories.

Mike Mottler    LCCA 12394


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Great replies...I am struggling with sell or keep the 17 rolling stock cars I no longer want, because I didn't know what I liked or what the track would end up as.  So, the question is sell or put in attic?  Not concerned of the financial loss.  New to hobby 1 yr.. NO clue what to do and would love any advice from a seasoned hobbyist.mceclip0


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Last edited by RV Junke
@RV Junke posted:

Great replies...I am struggling with sell or keep the 17 rolling stock cars I no longer want, because I didn't know what I liked or what the track would end up as.  So, the question is sell or put in attic?  Not concerned of the financial loss.  New to hobby 1 yr.. NO clue what to do and would love any advice from a seasoned hobbyist.mceclip0

From the "do as I say, not as I do" department...

If you're not likely to use or display them and they're not a favorite road name or car type, post them for sale.  At the right price, someone will want them.  Nothing good will happen to them while sitting in the attic.

Some people have difficulty selling items because they're stuck on "but I paid $X for it, so it must be worth that much".  Since you said you're not concerned about the financial loss, take offers on the lot.

Last edited by Mallard4468

Thank you Maalard4468!  Leaning that way... I was debating getting some shelving and displaying.  Agree, what I paid and what it is worth now are 2 planets, and thank God I am ok with the loss... Boxing all up now, and will put in closet for a few weeks and 2 paths Sell, or Display - Attic feels the worst of the options.

I have started thinning out my collection. I started with RailKing Steam as I have Premier Steam and side by side they do not look good, RailKing Diesel I am keeping for now as it fits nicely with the Premier Line. Rolling stock is a wotk in progress as half of mine is still packed away from our move 8 years ago, just no space to display everything, I am also looking at thinning out all 2 generation and later diesel as I want to model the transition era so any desiels built post 1959 or so will be sold at some point. Alot of this decision making is to save my kids or wife from haveing to deal with it and she and I can enjoy the proceeds as opposed to leaving it for the kids. I am not of the thinking that I worked my entire life to leave it to the kids, I worked for her and I to enjoy our retirement.  Just my 2 cents FWIW!

@RJT posted:

I have started thinning out my collection. I started with RailKing Steam as I have Premier Steam and side by side they do not look good, RailKing Diesel I am keeping for now as it fits nicely with the Premier Line. Rolling stock is a wotk in progress as half of mine is still packed away from our move 8 years ago, just no space to display everything, I am also looking at thinning out all 2 generation and later diesel as I want to model the transition era so any desiels built post 1959 or so will be sold at some point. Alot of this decision making is to save my kids or wife from haveing to deal with it and she and I can enjoy the proceeds as opposed to leaving it for the kids. I am not of the thinking that I worked my entire life to leave it to the kids, I worked for her and I to enjoy our retirement.  Just my 2 cents FWIW!

RJT - VERY sound logic!  Thanks...

Seems to be the only hobby where folks worry about getting what they paid for something. Golf, bowling and etc what you spent is gone but you had the enjoyment. I've taken down my 3-rail layout and am donating it to the Railroad Museum of LI. I enjoyed having it but at 83 its time to down size. A donation to those who can use it for the benefit of the museum gives a good feeling.

@Chuck242 posted:

And then there are guys who don't care for "sounds" such as myself.  I have three RK steamers and a half dozen or so MPC Lionel engines with sound too, and I just run them quietly along side prewar and postwar Lionel.  However, I admit some of the videos you guys provide are pretty darn amazing, smoke, bells, whistles, chugging and talking, realistic to incredible levels. each their own, just enjoy the hobby, that's what counts.  

I find it is the guests (those who have never heard the cab chatter and yard/station sounds) that are the most fascinated by the sound features, along with the multi running ability under DCS, and coupling features.....who most appreciate the modern take on locos. The conventional can not hold a candle (or maybe a firebox) to the newer featured engines.


Nothing good will happen to them while sitting in the attic......wise words for sure.  My motto is if I don't use it I don't keep it.  Storing things in an attic or storage unit places them out of mind and likely never used.  If you are approaching that age where you are in the next to last lap turn your unused stuff into money and enjoy it.

If you were ever at all interested in custom work, you might also use use this an an opportunity to try some custom painting, decaling or even weathering.  I started doing this a few years back and I think I like this part of the hobby the best.  I have many custom one of a kind pieces.  Maybe worthless on the resale market but priceless to me.

If you have a piece you no longer care about, make it into something you might care a lot about.

Here was an Amtrak 44 tonner and a bay window caboose.  I repainted the 44 toner and kitbashed the caboose into a unique transfer caboose.


This is my most favorite piece.  I took a Grand Trunk SW-9 and made an SMS SW-1200.  I even kitbashed and painted the figures.



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When you sell stuff you have to factor in the fact that you owned it for a period of time. I've sold lots of things at half the price I paid for them. Consider that I owned them for 20+ years I got my moneys worth IMO.

To the original "should I keep or sell RailKing?" all depends on you. Railking that is scale or close to it offers plenty of value to me. One that is not scale at all I would sell. But that's my way of looking at it.

@necrails posted:

Nothing good will happen to them while sitting in the attic......wise words for sure.  My motto is if I don't use it I don't keep it.  Storing things in an attic or storage unit places them out of mind and likely never used.  If you are approaching that age where you are in the next to last lap turn your unused stuff into money and enjoy it.

Really? In 2012, due to personal reasons, I packed up my Christmas layout (12' X 20') not knowing if I would put them up again or not. I put the boards in a shed, the engines on shelves in the house, and the PW cars went into some old dresser drawers. And I used my only other space, the attic, to pack up boxes and BOXES of stuff. Cars, track, switches, transformers -you get the drift.

This year, I decided was to be the year of the Christmas layout, so I hauled nearly all of it down. I left that post war O31 track & switches.  I wish I had done a better labeling job, but other than that, it all came down, unpacked well, and went on the 8' x 18' project I did this year. All worked like the day I packed it. I had to work on some MTH switches (trust me, a common event for users of the track) and some track, but there were NO major problems. Up there were the American Flyer coal loader, the Lionel log and cattle loader and a coal loader - dating back to the '50's.

Again, with no movement, the stuff did well for 12 years and the fluctuating temperature change did no harm! (though I do think that the heat or cold, caused the tabs on the MTH Realtrax to become brittle on many pieces. I was totally amazed.

Then, thinking about it, that was what my old man did every year after 1950, and what I did also back then. And we packed it all: cars, and engines (there were only 2 engines, a 1946 and a 1947) and each Christmas, it was all put up, and then taken down the next Christmas.

I have not taken down the setup for this year...yet. But it will happen in the next couple of weeks, and it will go back into the attic! Until the next time. Just another point of view.

Greg  (this year's is below)

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Glad it worked for you, my friends late husband had a set in their attic,  it did not fair well.  But what I meant was hiding things in any storage space means you just have stuff you are not enjoying.  There is a lesson from the younger generation,  less stuff better experiences.  Anyway I'm not sticking my boys with the burden of dealing with it.

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