I have read that Smails have adjustable speed. Is this true, and how fast can it go? I run mostly conventional trains, I want to have smails with push button control for each on a main control console, as well as button control by each switch itself for when walking around when I use some Bluetooth controlled locos. I do not use dcc. (Trying to keep it simple for my young kiddos). I plan to have leds at each button for visual position indication. I also want to wire them for non derail, for which the speed becomes important. So far researching all this has been a never ending rabbit hole. I currently have all dz2500 machines and this setup did everything I wanted as described above, but I am finding them quite unreliable. Thus my trek into tortoise and smail, of which it seems smail might be more flexible, but I may be wrong. Ive read about Smail having adjustable speed, push button interface, and non derail ability,as if tortoise has shortcomings in these regards. Thanks for any advice!
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