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Hello again,

I have a new to me Lionel Legacy Norfolk Southern SD40-2  # 6-28257

When powered up it hums/buzzes (I know somewhat normal, but will explain)

The bi-colored directional marker lights in the front work (green) in forward, but no red in reverse.

The rear marker lights only work on red, and do not go green.

The humming stops when both the front and rear light pcb boards are disconnected. Humming returns with EITHER side of lights plugged in. (The bi-color leds work, tested with a Peak analyzer)

I reseated the boards, cab-2 using the memory module. Smoke unit and everything works as should.

Any ideas or thoughts to check? My fear is the ac regulator, but seems to be working and controlling the smoke unit correctly.

Thank you for reading and any assistance!


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Last edited by p8ntballer789
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It's the Railsounds board, for whatever reason many early Legacy engines have the issue.  I know that both RS 5.5 and RS 6.0 exhibit that issue.  My Vision Line Genset has the same issue with RS 6.0.  AFAIK, there is no cure.

Thank you John! I really appreciate the information! It's a shame the RS boards do this, but atleast everything is working haha. I will just have to keep the volume higher Thanks again I've been going nuts trying to diagnose thise lol.

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