Recently with a lot of help from Vernon Barry, GGG, and gunrunnerjohn amongst others, I put together a shopping list of user-serviceable parts to have on hand for PS2/PS3 board failures. The attached xlxs spreadsheet has the PN's and other data so anyone who wants to maintain their own stash of the same parts can source them. Most of the newer PS3 parts are available at Digikey. The older mostly PS2 parts I had to source on ebay and/or AliExpress. The PS3 parts shown as "Incl Abv" are not available at Digikey. Note this list does NOT include common items like resistors and caps. Just the specialized components that you would not normally keep on hand.
I blanked out all pricing because mine is in Canadian dollars and US prices will be different. A couple of parts have newer substitute numbers as shown too. Based on what I paid in CAD, your price for the quantities shown should be under $100 US.
Hope that helps!