I found this on that one site the day before my birfday. Ive been looking for this for a year and a half. The frame is a Micheal's off the shelf. Looks nice
Replies sorted oldest to newest
That's a good looking piece of wall art..congratulations.
I needed some parts to complete a small O-Gauge passenger car. I called a dear friend in Florida to see if he had any. He had just the part. He said that he would mail the half dozen parts to me. I didn't think about it any longer. The parts arrived in a priority mailer. Inside the USPS mailer was a like new Parts Envelope from Madison Hardware that had my parts..
Wow! That is a very cool poster of Madison Hardware.
Me? Three MTH Premier ATSF Hudsons: you've heard about 'em by now on another thread, so no pictures here.
4 Lionel Items in the past 2 and every item was still sealed in the box.
#21752 Conrail JB Hunt Trailer Unit Train
#8006 Lionel's JC Penny's 4-6-4 Silver Shadow Hudson with Display Case
#18314 Century Club GG1 with Display Case
#18045 Gray Commodore Vanderbilt
I picked up some items at the Hamburg, PA show last Sunday:
6464-525 M&StL Boxcar and 6802 LL flat with girders to complete a 1958 Super O GP9 set for the dealer I repair for. He has the other cars, the GP in OB and the set box.
A chrome Marx two light tower. I'm trying to replace the black towers on my layout with the harder to find chrome ones. I've got 6 or 7 now.
Many parts. The two shops I service for continue to keep me very busy.
Haven't bought a thing since my LHS closed on May 1.
I'm buying a new house, well new to me! And it's got a 20x16 TRAIN ROOM with a smaller adjoining room for a workshop with a closet plenty big for boxes!
Congratulations on your new home and train room.
You, a case of YARDS Pale Ale
Thank you
I hope our Michael's has it I would love to hang it up in the train room !!!
Also I have to say buying those LionChief steamers: Hudson, Mikado and a Pacific was a very cool buy. Loads of fun !!!!
Sure did. A set of 21" K-Line Daylight Lightweight passenger cars.
Got my WP tender back from Alex M. Now re lettered for Union Pacific.
So now my UP EM1 joins my fleet of UP steam locomotives. A fantasy, yes but it looks great and runs and smokes great.
Nothing since that Stone Mill kit I hunted for a few years. I have it built and am building it a log flume ...only about 3/5th of one of two towers needed built cutting and notching bamboo stakes.Not an exciting job, and I am a slacker, but am even thinking about building a cabin and log shafthouse from this stuff...hope I forget about that. Uh, wasn't that Drake (first) Oil Well in Pa. built with logs? (never mind)
Yes, a special bottle of Woodford Reserve.
Studying for a license I need for professional development. Hope to have it soon.
Trains-A UP baggage car that I searched forever to find. 4 MTH UP Turbines.
Picked up a Corgi Schaefer Beer semi with a 1950's Mack cab.
I found this on that one site the day before my birfday. Ive been looking for this for a year and a half. The frame is a Micheal's off the shelf. Looks nice
Guys!!! That is not just some poster that you can get at Michaels. That is a signed and numbered Angela Trotta Thomas print circa 2001. She only made 750. Only the frame came from Michaels. I have a copy too. I met Angela at the TCA convention in 2002 and bought that one and two others.
I recently scored a goodie from Trainz on the bay. I finally found a K-line 21" Milwaukee Road skytop obs to complete my set which will be pulled by 261, for excursion specials on my layout. It should be here later this week.
Hey Elliot, I'm gonna stop buy tomorrow after work and drop off your 2 Canada hoppers from MTH and some more wire
Hey Elliot, I'm gonna stop buy tomorrow after work and drop off your 2 Canada hoppers from MTH and some more wire
Sounds good Matt. If you make it before 6 you could meet Patrick.
By the way, what number is the print? Mine is 326.
Originally Posted by Matt Makens:Hey Elliot, I'm gonna stop buy tomorrow after work and drop off your 2 Canada hoppers from MTH and some more wire
Sounds good Matt. If you make it before 6 you could meet Patrick.
By the way, what number is the print? Mine is 326.
Mine is 203
I recently bought what must be the absolutely coolest train ever. A pair of Lionel Legacy SP Daylight RF-16s and a rake of Lionel 18" Daylight coaches to go with them.
Recently I made a couple of acquisitions at incredible prices. The first was a Lionel legacy SD 70ACE in the fantasy Virginian livery for only $320.00 from Sidetrack Hobbies. The other was a set of MTH 418 Standard Gauge orange Passenger cars I won on E-Bay for the incredible price of $230.00. This set is in virtually like new condition. I don't get lucky very often so this was quite unusual for me.
just purchased two Kline Reading ore cars
and a Lionel CP GP-9 powered unit off the For Sale
Is this a great place to shop or what.
I could get fat and happy using this computer thing,
(although Im not particular about computers)!!!
Hey Jon, Ill be at the hobby store at 7
10-4, see ya then. However, don't expect any Green Spot, it's a distant memory.
"I finally found a K-line 21" Milwaukee Road skytop obs"
Great find Elliott. One of the nicest style observation cars ever made.
"I finally found a K-line 21" Milwaukee Road skytop obs"
Great find Elliott. One of the nicest style observation cars ever made.
Thanks Brian, and I agree.
I should have thought to ask you this a long time ago. Did K-line ever release the six car Milwaukee Road set that included the Cedar Rapids? The one I found was the Dell Rapids. At this point, I'm just happy to have one, but if I was going to get picky about it, the Cedar Rapids would be the bomb.
Oh my, May train budget took a big time plunge in the red and June isn't doing very well in the first week either. But, ya just can't take it with ya.
Still having fun.
Absolutely! Got the 3rd Rail/GGD B&O Columbian Passenger cars!
Now I gotta get the layout expansion done so that I can run them!
A 1/48 scale U.S. Navy Elco 80' PT Boat by Merit.
Steve, that beer car is frickin sweet
Almost another birthday and I have NOT bought the farm.
Have been purchasing lots of "cool" stuff for my layout project: Engines, some rolling stock, and just purchased about 30 switches/turnouts. (Enough to do "Phase One" when I am ready to start that.) Acquiring is fun... it's the work that follows that I sometimes bog down in!
Nothing since YORK. Probably nothing til YORK either?
the list is too long .
5-tunnel portals
3 retaining walls.
9 ore cars
2 coal cars
2 box cars
UP Berkshire JR
Crescent locomotive works station and 2 short 1 long platforms
Cresent Locomotive works servicing platforms
Cresent Locomotive works watchman shed
2 cruise commanders
1 railsounds
1 water tower
1 SD40 T-2
6 fastrack switches
50 10 inch track
coal tower
this list doesn't include any wood or scerney ground cover I bought which I bought ballast tree's and such.
Don't ask my wife she might say I have an Issue. but the way she is looking at it it's cheaper than my hotrod. last summer it got new paint new suspension new trans new motor new radiator new drive shaft, new exhaust. new sound system, so trains are cheaper
here is the watchman shanty and the servicing platforms
Just received the MTH tinplate Armor set. The cannon unit will be protecting the nuclear reactor.
Mill City
Is GREEN SPOT something that's currently available
I like Irish Whiskey too!!
"It's got cop suspension... cop brakes..."
I just recently saw someone who had bought the real thing:
Mill City
Is GREEN SPOT something that's currently available
I like Irish Whiskey too!!
Yes, Joe. Though, not easily found, and no wonder with production limited to 500 case per annum. Green Spot is a 9 year old double wood. Famed Yellow Spot, a 12 year triple wood, last bottled in the 50's, should hit the shores soon. There was once a Red Spot to round out the range.
These brands are of the Midleton Distillery family of Cork, Ireland. I can strongly recommend any of these to those that enjoy triple distilled whisky. My go-to is the Jameson 12 year. Expect to drop 60 to 80 green spots for the Green Spot.
Received a hot wire foam cutter from the hot wire foam factory. Will come in handy when sculpting the landscape.
Just picked up the Lionel BN scale auto rack. Absolutely awesome that the doors open on each end and you can load it with cars. I think I'll be grabbing a few more of these soon seeing as though I just financed a few of the real ones.
just received a custom built by jerry white PRR shark in 2 rail. fantastic locomotive even has cab detail. also got my PRR and B&O 3rd rail sets in this week. both had some quality issues but Scott replaced several of the cars. so this was a great week for me.
Thanks Mill City
I have had Middleton(excellent) and Red Breast.
Never knew about the "Spot" ones will look for them.
If you have a COSTCO near you they have a 18 year old under the Kirkland label that is crazy affordable and really good.
To keep this Train related
On Friday and/or Saturday nights when my son and I run the trains I like to sip a Bourbon, Scotch, or Whiskey while Joey runs the trains Lately it has been more fun since we picked up those LionChief Locomotives!!!!
Thanks for the info!!!
Thanks Mill City
I have had Middleton(excellent) and Red Breast.
Never knew about the "Spot" ones will look for them.
If you have a COSTCO near you they have a 18 year old under the Kirkland label that is crazy affordable and really good.
To keep this Train related
On Friday and/or Saturday nights when my son and I run the trains I like to sip a Bourbon, Scotch, or Whiskey while Joey runs the trains Lately it has been more fun since we picked up those LionChief Locomotives!!!!
Thanks for the info!!!
And who said trains and adult beverages don't mix. Since my layout is all boxed up now, I can only enjoy the sipping aspect.
Thanks for the Kirkland tip. Unfortunately, the local Costco does not have an adult beverage department, but I'll check other locations. Two Gingers was developed by an entrepreneur here in Minneapolis and is serviceable considering the price-point.
Finally pulled the Big Boys caboose out. This is the last piece of rolling stock I bought, I love this caboose and it will look amazing behind my vision line big boy
I picked up a boxed Chicago Rivet 911-3 press outfit. This outfit is the functional equivalent of Lionel's ST-350 rivet press outfit.
I don't think it was ever used. Each of the fifteen tools came in it's own little cloth bag, gathered together into a larger one.
I have way too many trains for the size of my layout, so I procrastinate a lot about what I buy. Nothing of late has caught my fancy, so I am holding out for my wish list items:
- Rail King open 12 or 14 bench trolley with PS3 in Connecticut and in Brooklyn (Red & Cream) livery;
- Rail King wood sided interurban car with PS3 that I can repaint to mimic the New York & North Shore Traction Company's cars;
- Rail King BRT open platform subway cars;
- Rail King articulated locomotives.
I just bought a Lionel Reading T-1. I'd post a photo, but it hasn't arrived yet.
my sister found a Portland Rose menu. have several menus. the smallest i was able to find a free standing double sided lucite from so both sides of the menu could be viewed. these others i have are larger (the largest being about 12x17). have never been able to find the same kind of frame for them. would certainly appreciate ideas that would permit viewed of both sides. custom built would be costly.
Picked up two of these yesterday along with a full few size bells and a Nathan Airchime K3HA horn all from retired Union Pacific B40-8 locos. I'll clean it all up and then start working to find new homes for everything.
Boy, compared to some of the stuff listed, mine is a minor purchase but it will look great on the layout. I ordered them from Die-Cast Direct so I don't have them yet.
A 1937 Ford Tractor Trailer with Roadway markings and a 1947 International KB-12 Tractor with Crouse Cartage Co. painted on the doors of this yellow tractor. They both are 1/43.
I picked up a mint MTH 1999 DAP Lackawanna FM from a vendor at the convention for $130.00.Just had to replace the original battery...it runs great !
I ordered the new Big Boy, got some more roadbed to lay more track and went to use the junk Harbor Freight dremel & it burned up after only the 2nd time using it. Went to LHS and bought new dremel ,drill press att. and flex shaft att. for cutting Gar Graves track (I make my own curves). Choo Choo Kenny
Nathan, I want one
Just got the new Lionel C&NW F-7 AA Diesels. Gorgeous!
I finally paid off my Lionel 18' Milwaukee Road passenger cars. Both the 2 car set and the 4 car set. Stunning. The nicest passenger cars I have.
Just picked up this weathered MTH PS1 C&O Greenbriar. I got it from fellow forum member Hollsc off of the Buy/Sell board. I always wanted one of these engines since I road behind the real one about 14 years ago.
Just bought a Pennsy Railsounds Bay windowCaboose from a forum member.
Looking forward to adding it to the PRR F3s.
at least its cool to me....a new polar express tender(minus the shell with an added pa shell).
the tender has railsounds also and our forum sponsor, marios trains; was nice enough to swap roadnames.
can wait to try it out as its suppose to arrive today.
"Cool" to me, that is:
1) I acquired 2 pair of MINT in the box Super O 112 automatic switches plus 3 MINT in the box Super O 145 manual switches for $42.00 total.
2) I acquired a MINT MTH scale Dreyfuss for $305.00. I have custom Super O curves up to O-63 so this beauty will have no problem
"Cool" to me, that is:
1) I acquired 2 pair of MINT in the box Super O 112 automatic switches plus 3 MINT in the box Super O 145 manual switches for $42.00 total.
2) I acquired a MINT MTH scale Dreyfuss for $305.00. I have custom Super O curves up to O-63 so this beauty will have no problem
I got the same Dreyfuss. Where did you get yours?
I recently got this.
A older PS1 unit for under $100.
Looks like its never been run.
Unlike my other MTH SD60M and SD70M units, this one has see through grills and a window in the front cab door. The PS1 sounds are great. It too bad they will have to be removed for a TMCC conversion.
This Lionel pre war clockwork set has been on the want list for quite a few years. Finally got it last week.
When I picked up my Natty Boh reefer from Paul Strickland, the budget would handle "one". By random selection, I got road number 12009. I have regretted for years not getting 12008 too. Recently, an OGR member afforded me the opportunity to complete the set (thank you Gene).
BTW, I'm on my last of 7 cases of Natty Boh I bought on my last trip to York. A can went into tonight's Chili pot. Before Paul's project, I had never even heard of Natty Boh. It is now one of my favorites!
As reported in an earlier post, I just picked up my set of C&NW F-7 AAs from Lionel. Putting them on the track, they stuttered along a few inches and then derailed. Repeatedly.
Usually, Lionel diesels run fine right out-of-the-box but not this set. Looking at the underside, I noted that the gears were bone dry -- not a bit of grease. Also, one of the powered trucks would not turn at all when manually spun.
I greased all the gears and oiled the wheels as indicated in the owner's manual and tried again. Some progress. The engine ran very slowly and hesitantly but stayed on the track. I applied more grease to the gears and worked the power trucks manually and finally got them turning a bit.
Tried running again and they finally started running smoother. After a couple of times around the layout, they got their legs and picked up speed, etc.
I am not used to engines coming in that stiff and with no grease on them at all. Is this the new standard from Lionel's factory?
Nicks Trains, my Dreyfuss was an estate sale find. The elderly gentleman had most of his trains unopened . The Dreyfuss was displayed behind glass doors in a mahogany antique bookcase. He did not have a layout. This engine was/is flawless. I love the illuminated drivers.
Dave, take a good look at the traction tires, they may be rubbing on the brake shoes
Matt, I'll check that out. Thanks for the tip. Very stiff/tight tolerances on the trucks on this baby, that's for sure. Plus no lube initially.
My F3's all came out of the box with the wrong traction tires on them and the were rubbing on the brake shoes until they all got torn off
Just love this color scheme, Keith. They are beautiful.
I just obtained a new 18005 / 700E Hudson. Was listed on the auction site as used, but it turns out it was never run. Got it for less than half the going rate for same models. My first "real" steamer (aside from RTR K-Line Pacific).
Always kicked myself for not obtaining a 1937 700E back in the 70's when they were about $700. Now I just have to rework the layout to include some broader curves!
I just got off the original owners widow three sets in the boxes. Lionel 224e set, lionel 636 streamline set, and an American Flyer steam tin plate set. Also included were Marx lights, two circuit breakers lights, an American Flyer tin plate shed and a bunch of other stuff. I also got what looks like pre-war Lionel o gauge straight track that is 15 inch long. Never saw them before. Trains are in excellent shape and they ran right out of the box.
Beautiful Sharks, Keith...
I have been looking for passenger cars for my K-4 for over a year. Last week, I finally settled on a Lionel commuter series set. I love the four wheeled trucks on the passenger cars. I think they really look good with the four wheeled trunks on the K-4's tender.
Picked up a bunch of 2-rail trucks for a good price (thanks Keystone Ed), plus a UP/SP Heritage SD70ACe with scale wheels/fixed pilots. Also snagged a UP/WP Heritage SD70ACe with scale wheels/fixed pilots. 5 down/1 to go (DGRW) -- 2 to go if you count the UP flag unit.
The beginning of something different and a new part of this hobby, I have
not been involved, in,: THE strong, and EARNEST, search for a desired product.
KLine, Denali, ALaska , Business car!!!!!!!!
I now must complete the passenger consist!!
Nicks Trains, my Dreyfuss was an estate sale find. The elderly gentleman had most of his trains unopened . The Dreyfuss was displayed behind glass doors in a mahogany antique bookcase. He did not have a layout. This engine was/is flawless. I love the illuminated drivers.
WOW. What a find. I paid more and mine was a steal.
I just obtained a new 18005 / 700E Hudson. Was listed on the auction site as used, but it turns out it was never run. Got it for less than half the going rate for same models. My first "real" steamer (aside from RTR K-Line Pacific).
Always kicked myself for not obtaining a 1937 700E back in the 70's when they were about $700. Now I just have to rework the layout to include some broader curves!
Might it have been on stout auctions? I wanted it but was too much for me.
Terry is the Alaska Passenger Car Guy. Nice purchase for the Denali.
Well, besides my jeep, I did manage to get the whole Williams Ringling Bros. train several weeks ago. runs well (of course) and its very colorful. Great whistle too. Cars are nice, metal trucks, etc. I'm pleased with it.
Oh, forgot to add... My Mianne bench work just shipped yesterday. Thanks Tim!
So while its "bought" I have gotten it yet.
Picked up a couple of items.
Was able to obtain an MTH UP/SP Heritage SD70ACe with scale wheels/fixed pilots from another forum member.
Also snagged a Santa Fe branch line station kit. Though it's wood, it has almost the exact proportions of the old Highland depot near my house.
On the music front, I got my Hammond B2, Rhodes 88 and Leslie 910 home from storage. Gotta pick up some new patch cables then I can get 20 years of "rust" out of my hands.
Hey Matt, whats better than roses on a piano???
The 3RD Rail Trains AC-9 came yesterday and i got some 2-bay and PS-2 hoppers on that site that should be here soon
Hey Matt, whats better than roses on a piano???
ha ha, I love this one. Afraid if I replied with the answer I would be banned.
I just bought a Lionel Reading T-1. I'd post a photo, but it hasn't arrived yet.
Well, it's been here for almost two weeks, now, and it's a great locomotive!
Bought a nice cool glass of sweet tea yesterday. Sorry, no pictures. Does it still count? LOL
I have been after this car for maybe ten years. PRB Pecos River Brass ATSF RPO car.
For the last month or so, I've been buying and fixing up a PW 2343 Santa Fe F3 and a bunch of dummies. A lot of parts replacements work on the motors and now it's running really sweet. A real "growler" and as smooth as any Williams engine I have over switches. Much smoother than my Conventional Classics version, in fact. I've never gotten into the PW version because of the cosmetics and decal problems. But I discovered that Rust Oleum Aluminum paint (which I had in the basement) is almost a perfect match for the silver and Testors Red is almost dead on for the red. So, I've been able to fix up the cosmetics without leaving an obvious footprint. And now I'm working on the nose decals. I successfully removed the decal from my "beater" shell and put on a new one I got from Jeff Kane. Looks great. So, tomorrow, I'm going to do the same with my "good" shells. So, they'll end up looking good as well as running nicely. Well, at least that's the plan.
Actually I did buy a really "cool" item yesterday. I'm waiting for the UPS guy to deliver it today.
The item is a 2nd A/C unit for the train room because the single unit is not enough to cool the room adequately.
You can't get more "cool" than that!
Well a couple of thing that are cool for me, 1st is a NYC gondola dated 1949(£5 $8.50) so older than me and the other is my 1st WBB trolley picked up for a good price here in the UK £57/$96 inc post list RPR is a eye watering £156.56/$266.
The 3RD Rail Trains AC-9 came yesterday and i got some 2-bay and PS-2 hoppers on that site that should be here soon
How do you like your AC9 so far?
I havent taken it out yet because then Ill have to put it back in the box and everybody knows that 3RD Rail Steam Engines go back in the box like maps refold
I kinda went on a spending spree.
DCS tiu and aiu
6 072 remote fastrack switches
2 072 Y's
2 left hand 036 switches
3 right hand 036 switches
5 prr passenger cars
3 grain hoppers
5 3 aspect signals
5 signal controllers
railsounds upgrade board
santa fe vista dome single strip passenger car.
dual engine shed
water tower
2 trestle sets for fastrack.
a bunch of new tunnel portals.
ouch now that I see it on paper. all in the past 3 weeks.
I have been after this car for maybe ten years. PRB Pecos River Brass ATSF RPO car.
VERY NICE!!! I love head end cars, ATSF and heavy weights......so that's PERFECT!!
Hey Matt, whats better than roses on a piano???
ha ha, I love this one. Afraid if I replied with the answer I would be banned.
I could not come up with a way to answer that one without getting in trouble.
one heck of a bridge (be neat to make)
Nice set of K-Line 21" Sante Fe Lightweights with the gloss finish. Just can't beat those K-Lines.
PTC, do you have any photos? I'd love to see them
A picture is worth 1000 words...and won't get you booted.
I just couldnt pass up an opportunity to use that joke
Not rare or unusual but I like it!!!!
A Williams GG-1 in PRR Tuscan five stripe. I had a Williams GG-1 in Amtrak silver, blue and red, which was nice.....but I like this one better. A very small scratch on the nose made it cheap....and an easy fix for me. Now I need to someday build a line with catenary for these two and some other juice boxes to run!
My best find was a Max Gray brass water tower. Couldn't find the Walthers, so the Max Gray will have to do.
That just might be a better find!!!!!
Kinda on topic.....as a kid I was given a magazine, the one with the blue header. It had an article on a doctors collection of Max Gray brass O scale locomotives. It was mainly photos of each loco on his layout. I looked over that article hundreds of times in my youth. I still don't own anything Max Gray but that name always brings positive memories. Thx
A little Std Gauge CMC 2-4-0 was one of my earliest Std gauge purchases. Just got the 13 & 16 coaches to go with it.
OK so I couildnt help myself and I took the AC-9 out today, WOW!!! I think ill get another one, absolutely beautiful loco. Scott did a great job on that one. I also got 2 new CNW 2 bay hoppers and a K-Line 13 Colonies Caboose, I love that patriotic stuff.
Picked up this little K-Line 0-4-0 from a local hobby shop for $60.00.The previous owner had painted over the PRR lettering and hand painted the tender for Union Pacific in red paint.Half of the pilot was broken off. I rebuilt the pilot and installed a scale coupler, removed the red UP lettering+striping,installed cords for the bell+whistle and re-lettered+repainted+weathered the little guy. He runs and smokes like a champ now!
I have a max gray yard tower if interested. $100 + postage, offlist contact
Well....it's not super cool or rare........but I just got this in the mail and was very pleasantly surprised how nice it was. Weaver plastic car very good paint and printed graphics. It will look great behind my great Grandfathers B&O steam loco I am working on. Thanks
No, but a cold drenching water hose would be nice about now!
It's hot out!
Mike Maurice
I can't see them Williams locos.......OPEN them up!!!!
waiting myself to see them waiting on shipping been on google all morning to see if there is any photo's of the Williams one's I have seen the mth version. want to see what the Williams one's look like .
OH...OK.....should look like this!!!!!
MTH Rail King M1a Mountain Steam Loco
waiting myself to see them waiting on shipping been on google all morning to see if there is any photo's of the Williams one's I have seen the mth version. want to see what the Williams one's look like .
OH...OK.....should look like this!!!!!
I do not have Yellow Bonnets....but the locos look exactly like my WbB units I just got.
I use tubular track as well- It's really nice and durable.
Ives Std Gauge Repro 3243 White set from 2001 arrived today. Supposedly unrun, but displayed for sure. Working my way through all the minor bugs.
I am seriously disappointed in myself for missing those WBB yellow bonnets, I'm the buyer for lots of o gauge at LHS
I am seriously disappointed in myself for missing those WBB yellow bonnets, I'm the buyer for lots of o gauge at LHS
Why is the nose taller on the K-Line RS-3 loco??? A PRR thing or just a different version??? Nice any way!
YES - Three Vehicles, Still in Box
I purchased 3 vehicles, all manufactured by www.AmericanHeritageModels.com
See Photo
1/43 Scale - Yellow Cab Ford, Borden's Milk Truck, Yellow Cab Co. Ford
Cheers from Michigan
I agree. I have some of their Ohio Central offerings. I will also gibe a big thanks to MTH for doing these regional roads. MORE PLEASE!
Thanks, Keith. The Ohio Central is another perfect example. I hope MTH keeps them coming our way!
waiting myself to see them waiting on shipping been on google all morning to see if there is any photo's of the Williams one's I have seen the mth version. want to see what the Williams one's look like .
OH...OK.....should look like this!!!!!
c.sam says "NO, NO!"
HEY - I recognize this shot!
The Yellowbonnetts here are the handsome RK 'Scale' versions, You can easily tell by the pilot. The RK models are a virtual clone of the post war Lionel's up front (fuel tanks are different) while the Williams (also almost a clone) has a more prototypical 'scale' pilot. I bought the RK model for the PS2, smoke, and sound lacking in the Williams F3s...
As a quick PS to my post above, although the Williams diesels are a terrific value for conventional operators, always consider the RK Scale series of diesels if you want command control & smoke. Reason - if adding ERR cruise PLUS sound to the Williams units you will have WAY too much $$ into them rather than buying the RK models in most cases. Especially if you shop 'previously owned'...
Last evening I picked up an MTH Railking PRR L1 Mikado from OGR forum member LITrain over at the TMB train club in Farmingdale, NY. The Long Island-based club is building a massive 4,000+ square foot multi level, multi track layout in its new facility. LITrain gave me a tour and I met several awesome club members. I have a feeling I will be joining TMB in the near future.
This morning on "The Bay" I snagged an auction of unused MTH/Railking goodies that includes two Tell Tales, a Water Column, three ITADs, a Pennsy block signal, a pack of two Pennsy plugin signal heads, a dwarf signal, two packs of figures, a pack of two generators and a pack of telephone poles for $142.
I picked up these junky EMU makings of a "Poor Man's Acela" at a NYC toy importer for under $20 for the pair. They remind me a bit of the units used in the Escondido Sprinter service.they seem to be patterned on the German ICE3 or the Chinese near copy the CRH3. I like futuristic trains so painting and powering these should be a fun project. To give an idea of scale I set them on track and next to a Williams boxcar. Each unit is 17 inches long a pretty good size.
A Martin OMCPA4 Rosewood guitar. Picked it up at the Martin factory in Nazareth PA. Was given a personal tour of the museum and factory. Even got a gift pack with an autographed hat by CEO Chris Martin IV. I'm also going to meet him to have him autograph my guitar in the fall.
Nicest people in the world and a great company.
Most of you will probably find this boring, but I just bought 27 used Ross switches for less than $26 each. The thrill is in the thought that this batch will get me very close to finishing the layout.
Matt, you have been warned!
I hear ya cluckin big chicken and I'll be over this afternoon
I'd say these are really cool engines, nothing "junky" about them.
I'd say these are really cool engines, nothing "junky" about them.
Well the junky part is what was added to make these floor toys. There are truck wheels and axels spaced down the length of the car and a spinning powered wheel set in the front. It bounces off walls and lights LEDs and plays tinney music. The deco is all sticker based except the blue paint around the windows. These are junky but a fun start on a project Model of something no one else will make any time soon.
Nice addition to you layout.
I'd say these are really cool engines, nothing "junky" about them.
Well the junky part is what was added to make these floor toys. There are truck wheels and axels spaced down the length of the car and a spinning powered wheel set in the front. It bounces off walls and lights LEDs and plays tinney music. The deco is all sticker based except the blue paint around the windows. These are junky but a fun start on a project Model of something no one else will make any time soon.
I could see this becoming a short, fictional Shinkansen. Looks closest to JR Kyushu's 800 Series. Lots of potential for that model!
for a while and worth the wait. The solid rocket set and the twin stacks from mth. Wow. Very impressed with the solid rocket set. Bigger than I thought.
The #1 item on my wish list is on its way: Postwar "Presidential" aluminum passenger set. Four original cars in excellent condition with their original boxes.
Has not been remade in the modern era. Bought off Ebay and I had to pay too much (of course), but, boy, they are beauties!
love that SCL. That's what I saw a lot of around the Tampa Bay area when I was a kid. We lived in Pinellas County and my Dad's parents were in SE Hillsborough across the bay. Whenever we went to see them we would inevitably get stopped by a long Seaboard train with hundreds of hoppers carrying phosphate from the central Florida mines to the Gardinier Fertilizer Plant (now owned by Cargill) on the east side of the bay. There remains a huge mountain of radioactive industrial waste (gypsum) that they have to deal with. But the long trains also remain with me forever. Seeing that Seaboard loco brings back it all back. I have a few SCL cars and hope to get a locomotive similar to this some day...
Originally posted by AMC dave:
Why is the nose taller on the K-Line RS-3 loco??? A PRR thing or just a different version??? Nice any way!
Yes it was a unique model to have Both the steam generator AND the Dynamic Brake in the short hood... necessitating the high short hood. This unit became a LV unit then onto Conrail.
Just got this off the DASH Auctions. i am really not a fan of the $40 buyers premium I had to pay and I may not buy form them again because of the steep fee. Pretty much negates any savings
Congratulations on your new Evo. Wonderful engine.
I found this on that one site the day before my birfday. Ive been looking for this for a year and a half. The frame is a Micheal's off the shelf. Looks nice
Atlas O PFE Union Pacific/Southern Pacific Rebuilt Aluminum Reefer. My LHS just put it in his display case and it caught my eye. He said he just pulled some "older stuff" out of storage. I joked he was holding out on me. It is part of a 2 pack from 2010. I didn't buy the partnered Illinois Central Reefer but I might go back for it if it sits there too long.
It's a beautiful car. I don't have actual pictures yet but here's the Atlas O shot.
Plenty of info online about the PFE prototypes. In 1946 two reefers were rebuilt in Aluminum with a seal coat paint in the hopes that the 10,000 lbs. weight savings would offset the cost of manufacture. I guess not. They were the only two built. One was in a wreck. The other one was scrapped in 1964.
edit 7/26/2014:
I pulled it out of the box for pictures.....
Raiking Imperial EVO...
I love that locomotive. Very stylish.
7 Indudtrial Rail Skeleton Log Cars arrived today. 4 from a forum member and 3 from ebay. 5 tuscan and 2 black. Been needing these for a while to pull behind my Sequoia Lumber Mallet.
OK, I'll pick it up tonight
picked up a 350 transfer table with extention needs cleaned up a little have a place all picked out for it on the layout.
ordered elevated system from tw trainworx
bought another sd90 #8048 UP
bought some scenery supplies from scenic express along with a tippi.
I have to get off of here now time to go to train therapy for my buying habit.
I got my CNW SD70ACe today from DASH Auctions and shure enough its broken
Went to the SAMRA show yesterday in San Antonio and picked up my first MTH loco. It's an older Premier SD60M as UP 6316, and I don't think it had ever been run. Also found an interesting old Lionel Southern diesel engine (that's turned out to be quite the growler, which is really cool) and a neat little Perrier box car (that the spousal unit buys for me by the case... the drink, that is)
It's the simpler things in life, you know... at any rate, I still haven't found me a Southern caboose yet!
That is one nice locomotive I picked a Nickel Plate Road 420 up a couple of weeks ago. A very nice locomotive.
I love my C-420 seaboard as well