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Switcher Saturday: 2019-January-05

It's Switcher Saturday Time!!!!

Lots of us out there love switchers (shifters, docksiders, yard goats, critters, etc.), so lets keep #SwitcherSaturday (a.k.a. SWSAT) rolling!

If you missed last week's SWSAT, you should go take a look, there was some great stuff posted!

This week, just outside the RiCHY (Richmond, Chesapeake, Hudson Yard) we've got a bunch of NYC switchers meeting up for one reason or another, I must be "In a New York Switcher state of mind" or something!


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Enjoys your weekend, and when you get a chance - please post some switcher stuff here!

All the best...Rich Murnane

p.s. Miss the post on Saturday? NO BIG DEAL, just keep posting pictures of your favorites until the next #SwitcherSaturday


Images (1)
  • Murnane NYC Switchers
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