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Hello Fellow Tinplate Train Tragics':

Everyone seems to post about the "new" tinplate treasure/s they have found from long ago, and how they now reside in the loving care of their new owner/s.

Well.....I am just the opposite...... I am the proud owner of some absolutely "brand new" tinplate wagons from my favorite manufacturer - BUCO!!!!

About two years ago Buco Spur O GmbH in Switzerland released two new tinplate "beer wagons" in a limited production run. I was not quick enough to get my order in, and so I missed out😒😒

After pressuring their production manager - Ms Priska Sigg over the past year, she informed me recently that she had "discovered" one of these beer wagons was still in their warehouse storage, and did I want it????

You know what my answer I finally have one of the beer wagons that has been missing from my collection. It is stamped No.19 of the limited production run, and the original Buco product number is 8640.


Buco Spur O GmbH (Switzerland) generally release a new wagon every year, (based on the old Buco wagons using stamped tinplate from the original Buco Bucherer operation), and the model release for this year is a small flat car with a scale tractor mounted on it. I just had to have it as well!!!


It is stamped No.14 of the limited production run, and the original Buco product number is 8694. The DV stands for a historic railway company in Switzerland that restores old Swiss railway carriages, wagons, and some locomotives, and runs steam and electric train excursions to help pay for the restoration work.

All of the new Buco tinplate wagons don't have the old style pressed tinplate wheels any more, but instead have turned solid metal wheels that track so much better, and add the extra weight needed in these light weight tinplate wagons. It is almost impossible to tell the two types of wheels apart, except for their weight.

Call me crazy but........I JUST LOVE MY NEW WAGONS!!!!!!!

Peter....Buco Australia (keeping the tinplate train dream alive)


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