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@WindupGuy- THANK YOU for posting those pictures of your wind up lay out.  Its just great!  I agree I have tried to collect the metal buildings myself although I don't have enough space on my current layout to use them.  The Colonial Brick House and the Freight Station are just too big for the open space I have.  I will also admit that when I look at the shelves in the background of your pictures they  look a lot like mine !  What a great picture of you opening the box at Christmas and that set with the box is really neat.  Here is a set I recently acquired, clockwork but a "Whistling" Engine.  It is set #965W with a clockwork Mercury.

Marx 965W set - coverMarx 965W set engine & tender front viewMarx 965W set rolling stock

Thanks for the tip on using 0-27 tubular track with the center rail removed, that is a very good idea especially for the larger radii.

@pd- Classic Marx 6" tin lithographed 4 wheel gondola.  The 241708 was first made in 1953 and likely continued until the end of Marx in 1972.  It came with a red interior, black interior, and a grey interior but always with a yellow exterior.

Best Wishes



Images (3)
  • Marx 965W set - cover
  • Marx 965W set engine & tender front view
  • Marx 965W set rolling stock

Wow ! Some great activity on my favourite thread on the internet !

Lovely stuff Fellas

I am a little bit excited today with my post as I have ticked off another from the bucket list with my first ever RUSSIAN bit !

Its a bit shabby , but since when has that ever bothered me lol .. simply the fact it exists and was up for sale here in Australia makes it desirable to me ...

The station from a Moskabel set , complete with inbuilt "buzzer"  I can translate the main station hording as "Pioneer" , but as to the markings on the ticket window I cannot say .. any ideas/translations appreciated!


Sadly this now reveals to me the probability a whole Moskabel set is somewhere in Australia ... another challenge ?

@Fatman posted:

Wow ! Some great activity on my favourite thread on the internet !

Lovely stuff Fellas

I am a little bit excited today with my post as I have ticked off another from the bucket list with my first ever RUSSIAN bit !

Its a bit shabby , but since when has that ever bothered me lol .. simply the fact it exists and was up for sale here in Australia makes it desirable to me ...

The station from a Moskabel set , complete with inbuilt "buzzer"  I can translate the main station hording as "Pioneer" , but as to the markings on the ticket window I cannot say .. any ideas/translations appreciated!


Sadly this now reveals to me the probability a whole Moskabel set is somewhere in Australia ... another challenge ?

Nice find!  A few years ago I passed on one because the sign was missing - kicked myself about that for a long time.  Since the Russian stuff was sold only as a full set, one does have to wonder what happened to the rest.  Sounds like you should start going door-to-door looking for the other pieces.

Todays new additions to the FM hoard...

A little Paya Fantasma loco from I think the 1950's ... cute little bugger , I have always liked the look of them .. this one is clockwork but I am looking for a three rail version as well ... ( always loooking looking looking lol )

Very lightweight shonky mechanism tho ! Bit of a shame ...

Hey Fatman:

Seems you are a sucker for those Paya (Spanish) trains!!!  They come complete with lousy mechanisms and zinc pest/flaking wheels. Why do you punish yourself so????

I have a good friend (Swiss John) in Switzerland that will completely gut these 3 rail tragedies, and install a decent Maxim can motor with good quality gears and drive wheels, so you can enjoy them running as the manufacturer once hoped they would.

Good luck in finding more to extend your agony 🤣🤣🤣

Peter.....Buco Australia

@Buco posted:

Hey Fatman:

Seems you are a sucker for those Paya (Spanish) trains!!!  They come complete with lousy mechanisms and zinc pest/flaking wheels. Why do you punish yourself so????

I have a good friend (Swiss John) in Switzerland that will completely gut these 3 rail tragedies, and install a decent Maxim can motor with good quality gears and drive wheels, so you can enjoy them running as the manufacturer once hoped they would.

Good luck in finding more to extend your agony 🤣🤣🤣

Peter.....Buco Australia

Hello ... my name is Fatman.... and I have a problem ....

@Buco I concur .. I actually grew up around Lyle and Gary O'Brien ... Lyle was the importer of Montessa in the 60's to 80's and Gary was a Team Montesa rider and went on to establish a MC shop in Geelong ... I had a Cota 247 .. she was a BEAST!

@Arne the re-issue runs were even worse than the originals when it came to zinc pest apparently .. such a shame because they are beautiful things otherwise   The earlier Paya were truly hit and miss , my 837 set from the early 50's is perfect with not a hint of pest , it truly was luck of the draw ( or the casting plant )

Such a shame because they really did make nice toys

@Don McErlean  I see you are still in the denial phase ...  

Hello Fellow Tinplate Train Tragics':

Everyone seems to post about the "new" tinplate treasure/s they have found from long ago, and how they now reside in the loving care of their new owner/s.

Well.....I am just the opposite...... I am the proud owner of some absolutely "brand new" tinplate wagons from my favorite manufacturer - BUCO!!!!

About two years ago Buco Spur O GmbH in Switzerland released two new tinplate "beer wagons" in a limited production run. I was not quick enough to get my order in, and so I missed out😢😢

After pressuring their production manager - Ms Priska Sigg over the past year, she informed me recently that she had "discovered" one of these beer wagons was still in their warehouse storage, and did I want it????

You know what my answer I finally have one of the beer wagons that has been missing from my collection. It is stamped No.19 of the limited production run, and the original Buco product number is 8640.


Buco Spur O GmbH (Switzerland) generally release a new wagon every year, (based on the old Buco wagons using stamped tinplate from the original Buco Bucherer operation), and the model release for this year is a small flat car with a scale tractor mounted on it. I just had to have it as well!!!


It is stamped No.14 of the limited production run, and the original Buco product number is 8694. The DV stands for a historic railway company in Switzerland that restores old Swiss railway carriages, wagons, and some locomotives, and runs steam and electric train excursions to help pay for the restoration work.

All of the new Buco tinplate wagons don't have the old style pressed tinplate wheels any more, but instead have turned solid metal wheels that track so much better, and add the extra weight needed in these light weight tinplate wagons. It is almost impossible to tell the two types of wheels apart, except for their weight.

Call me crazy but........I JUST LOVE MY NEW WAGONS!!!!!!!

Peter....Buco Australia (keeping the tinplate train dream alive)


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Buco is nice to collect and run, and those limited edition cars are great pieces.

Time to run a French model for me, three rail O gauge of a curious train made by a french firm "Batimetal" whish has been made for one year, around 1952, a fun piece.... Loco also pictured side by side to a classic Lionel 10e in standard gauge to show the size, as you can see it is a wide model.

And to all Tinplate friends, have a nice Christmas time and stay safe,  Daniel



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OK I admit it maybe I am taking up too much space today, but we get our mail in the late afternoons and I just got this neat little tinplate station (really more like a passenger shelter, open on one side but roofed over - little like a lean-too)

This station was made by Banner Plastics, a company that was founded when WW II interrupted the delivery of toys from overseas.  The founder a Mr. Emanuel Pressner, was a toy importer and found himself out of business so he decided to initiate his own toy manufacturing business. Banner Plastic made toys from both plastic and metal and it was rumored that he used the "drop off" sheets of steel from where they punched large holes in steel sheets to make his toys.  If you are familiar with Banner Plastics (note not Banner Toys which is a long established maker of wooden baby toys) you would recognize several very well known trucks from the 1950's made from sheet steel. This station was made in the 1950's and Banner Plastics would continue in business till 1965.

This station is entirely made of lithographed steel sheet.  It is not large the base measuring 6 3/4" X 3" and the station house measuring 5"L X 2"W X 2 1/2 " from base to peak of roof.  It is open in the front but enclosed on the other 3 sides.  Here are some pictures.

Front View - you can see some of the interior.  Note I had to over expose the roof to get enough light on the inside.  Roof is naturally somewhat dark red.

Bannerville Station front view-edited

Here is another view of the inside.  Note ticket windows on rear wall, news stand and snack / soda fountain on the left wall and , of course, the station name..."Bannerville" !

Bannerville Station interior view

Here is the out side of the building.  Green and white in color with simulated "grasss" at the base.

Bannerville Station end view

OK so that is my "Bannerville" station and it is fully in tinplate!

Best Wishes



Images (3)
  • Bannerville Station front view-edited
  • Bannerville Station interior view
  • Bannerville Station end view

@Rich Wiemann- In regard to your question, there is no evidence, at least on this piece, that there was any lithography on the reverse side before the station was manufactured.  In making this station however the walls of the little house were clearly lithographed on both sides as the design on the inside is different from that on the outside and the wall is but 1 sheet thick.  What I found interesting was the assertion in the reference I used (Internet) that the basic material for the toy making was just scrap sheet steel obtained from other manufacturers.  Thanks for your interest Rich.


Last edited by Don McErlean

In my collection of windup trains, I only have one lonely Dorfan locomotive.  Yesterday, however, a Dorfan 150 set arrived, complete except that the loco (like most Dorfan locos) has a serious case of zinc pest, coupled with a very broken motor.  And that is what made the set perfect for me, as my lonely Dorfan locomotive completed the set.  I did some minor repairs to the box - two corners were torn, so I glued in cardstock reinforcements to prevent further damage.  I also made a few inserts to keep the track and cars separated... not original, but it helps protect the litho.  The broken locomotive might make a good project someday...







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  • Dorfan_150_Set-1
  • Dorfan_150_Set-2
  • Dorfan_150_Set-3
  • Dorfan_150_Set-4
  • Dorfan_150_Set-5

@WindupGuy- What a set!!  I am not sure that I have even seen a Dorfan box before...which is strange since I lived, for the first 17 years of my life, in a suburb of Newark, N.J.  Based on your pictures, I looked in my "Dorfan" reference, which is not very elaborate, and date your set to around 1925 especially from the #355 Pullman's.  What an outstanding set, now approaching 100 years old.  Super find.

Best wishes and Happy Holiday's


@Don McErlean Many thanks for looking it up in your reference, I was curious about the age of the set.  I don't have a lot of boxed sets in my collection - I tend to concentrate on the locos - but I just couldn't pass this one up.  It's amazing that the box survived all these years. 

The loco in the picture is the one I already had.  The loco from the set has a lot of issues.  The body has a lot of broken parts, and cracking all over the remainder.  I'm afraid it's too far gone to salvage, too many missing pieces.   The motor is a mess, lots of problems.  I believe I can salvage the motor, although it will be a lot of work.  I'm putting it aside for a future project - perhaps I can make a "Dorfan-esque" body to put on the repaired motor.  But, that will need to wait until I retire.

A "new" trainset makes for a Merry Christmas indeed!

Hey Wind up Guy - James - Your set just sparked my curiosity, so I looked at the set # reference.  Set #150 is listed as a mechanical set (so...good for you "wind up guy" ) using the Number 155 engine and tender.  Description of the No 155 is as follows..." 1925-1930 Die cast bright red-enameled 6 1/4" body, clockwork motor ; pressed steel wheels; no drive rods; embossed "MADE IN USA"under pilot; Type 1 tender.  Similar to #50 that is electrically powered."  Except for the loco color everything you showed matches the set description including the two #355 Pullmans and the cross over track.  

Its a superb set...just matching up a loco and the cars to rescue the set is super.  As for the original loco...well Dorfan was famous for "zinc pest" and the damage it did to their locos and cars so having another appropriate loco is really good.

Best to you and Happy Holidays


Last edited by Don McErlean

It's been a while, but here, ladies and gentlemen, for your viewing pleasure is the result of my latest tinplate project I was rabbiting on about, at the beginning of the month.

It is the building of an "extended" version Buco "Bell Khulwagen".

Here is the 1952 Buco catalogue showcasing the various two axle freight cars manufactured by Bucherer of Switzerland. It is the only catalogue they produced with an English translation.....they were mainly in German and French. (sorry about the stickers at the top of the catalogue....they were from two Buco tee shirts I bought from the new Buco company last year) This is my workshop catalogue, and not my pristine 1952 collectors catalogue!!!!


Below is the page illustrating all of the two axle freight cars they made in 1952, and then a close-up of the actual "Bell" refrigerated wagon, with its catalogue number.


And now, the two doner wagons that agreed to be cannibalized. They are well worn members of my collection, and have "patina" (I call it surface rust and poor paintwork), but I wasn't about to repaint them and lose their lithographed signage. Before you purists want to burn me at the stake for cannibalizing rare tinplate wagons, they are still readily available second-hand, and even brand new from Buco SpurO in Switzerland. 


I did purchase a new long petrol tanker chassis, and a matching long freight car roof from Buco SpurO to mount the project on. The chassis came with the buffers already attached, and threaded mounts for the drop-link couplers, and the attachment for the bogie wheel frames. I had all of the other components (drop-link couplers, trucks, side frames, wheels, axles) in my spare parts bin.


I then proceeded to remove the bodies of the Bell wagons from their respective chassis', and then accurately measure and cut the tinplate walls of the bodies to get the two halves to match the existing stamped rib format, ensuring both sliding doors and tracks on each side were preserved and operational.DSC03336

I carefully cut and then re-joined them on the diagonal so as to increase the structural integrity of the tinplate shell, and increase the rigidity of the walls when remounted on the chassis platform. You can see where the join is at the very edge of the door opening, on the R/H sliding door, in the photo below.


I then cut the roof to match the length of the wagon, with access ladders at both ends of the car now, and re-painted the standard silver roof in an off white color to match the car body. See photos below.


You can see the chassis' of the doner wagons on a siding in the photo above. This will form the basis for yet another "Buco project". Watch this space.

Peter.....Buco Australia.   


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