As to the MT4 "slipping" perhaps this is the answer. One of mine "lurched" down the track.
The cause was a loose flywheel on the motor with the the timing strip that is read by the optical sensor to provide the EOB or constant track speed. Sorta like an auto engine loosing it's timing. Simple fix. Tighten the set screw in the flywheel.
This is not a problem unique to SS 3Rd Rail. I have seen this with other MFGr's who use optical flywheel sensor technology to provide constant train control feedback.
Somebody plesae correct me if I'm wrong, But, I think that the SS 3rd Rail 3 Rail GS-4 now uses the Electric RR Co electronics. The ERR cruise has electronic rather than optical feedback and control so the flywheel/optical sensor problem is eliminated.
I have the 2 rail version of the SS GS-4. As with most brass 2 rail engines at this time it didn't come with electronics. It's straight DC. I will be adding DCC to it. But anyway it is a very smooth running engine. Typical of SS engines with the Quiet Drive that Scott started using years back. I feel fortunate to have it.