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Hello to All - it took me a week to break down my layout but the time flew by so it wasn't as unbearable as I thought it would be.  This week I started rearranging my 4'x8' tables for an around the room layout configuration.  I had to build 3 more tables for the new layout and that's how I spent my Sunday.  I wanted to share some of the pics of what I hope will become a completed project by the end of this week.











Images (6)
  • DSCN0082
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Original Post

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Looks very good. You may want to think about another way to support the legs other than the lower slat boards you are using. I used a similar configuration two layouts ago and it was a bear getting under the table for wiring purposes. This time around, there are no obstructions from leg to leg and using a creeper, it is so much easier to work under the benchwork. Just my thoughts.

I understand your advice on the diagonal leg braces.  I built six of these tables about 10 years ago - at the time my carpenters skills weren't what they are now.  I know the diagonals would have made for better access but I dread the idea of taking them all apart now.  I have 7 of the tables "hooked" together with 1/2" plywood and homosote on top.  




Originally Posted by Harleylito:

I understand your advice on the diagonal leg braces.  I built six of these tables about 10 years ago - at the time my carpenters skills weren't what they are now.  I know the diagonals would have made for better access but I dread the idea of taking them all apart now.  I have 7 of the tables "hooked" together with 1/2" plywood and homosote on top.  






      At least take off the braces facing the front.  A sawzall would make it easy.




Eliot - actually I have nine 4X8 tables so it's a real headache - instead of disassembling them I'm thinking about cutting the horizontal supports and placing diagonal braces from the inside of the tables - I think that would work just as well - 

I've gotten so used to climbing over them as I work underneath that I never thought about the use of diagonal braces!! (oh well - live and learn)




Today I made some progress on my layout.  I finally covered the layout with 1/2" plywood and 1/2" homosote.  I painted the top of the homosote with a beige latex paint. Eric of Eric's trains said that it helps with absorption of glue etc.  I secured cork roadbed to the homosote with staples (neat, clean and easy).  Then completed laying track for 6 isolated blocks.  I ran feeder wires to each block and grounded both outside rails.  Now I have to think about how I'm going to start my 3.5% incline - I'm thinking of purchasing the girder bridges/trestles I saw at York but they are quite expensive.  I'll probably end up making my own incline supports and running lattice down from it to create a hill effect.  

Comments and suggestions are appreciated -





Images (8)
  • DSCN0120: Starting to Paint Clouds and Backdrop
  • DSCN0121: Control Center
  • DSCN0122: 081 & 072 Loop
  • DSCN0123: Right loop
  • DSCN0125: Yard Area
  • DSCN0126: Left loop & hatch
  • DSCN0127: Access Aisle
  • DSCN0129: #5 Turnouts

I did take your advice on getting rid of the lower 1X4 braces as you can see.  Huge difference in getting around under the layout!  Thanx to all of you who offered that suggestion!  As you can see I finished track work and I wired one of the loops today.  Did a test run with 3 engines and I'm up and running!



Images (15)
  • DSCN0164
  • DSCN0163
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  • DSCN0151
  • DSCN0152
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  • DSCN0154
  • DSCN0155
  • DSCN0156
  • DSCN0157
  • DSCN0158: Lower 1x4's removed
  • DSCN0159
  • DSCN0160
  • DSCN0165

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