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I have been using Rail Modeler Pro on my apple for many years and found it versatile and comprehensive though the learning curve was a little stiff and kept me from ever being able to use some of its features.

However, I have become a PC user now and need to switch software to PC compatible software.

I am an O-Gauge person who fits my layout, each year, into my wife's Christmas Village.  We have switched to Gargreaves track this year but still use fastrack for the parts of the layout which are not available.

next years alignment will include two different levels of alignment with a grade in between.  We also use the software to design all of the elevations used in the village; probably about 15.

Features in Rail Modeler pro i liked but have not found in other software

Connect tracks: either with sectional tracks or flex track

layers on which a base elevation can be specified.

I seek your advice as to what PC program will offer these features and, despite the learning curve, which program is the richest in features.

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XTrackCAD is free open source. Both AnyRail and SCARM have free versions to try, up to 100 objects. RR-Track is the most expensive and least supported. I started with XTrackCAD with HO, then moved to RR-Track that came with the RTR O scale set I bought. I moved to SCARM when it was a free beta, mostly to help others. I’ve dabbled with AnyRail, but didn’t want to buy yet another program, so I’ve stuck with the full version of SCARM.

AnyRail is arguably to prettiest, but I like SCARM’s simulation extension, especially in 3D. After becoming proficient in SCARM, I found it difficult to switch to AnyRail and, at the time, many more in the forum used SCARM. They all have learning curves, but they all have layers, elevations, multiple levels, etc. They all support Atlas and GarGraves flex track and have options to snip track to fit, though the specific techniques might be different, the learning curve.

I have used Rail Modeller Pro, AnyRail, SCARM, and XtrackCAD. Rail Modeller Pro was the easiest to learn, but my favorite is XtrackCAD - it works in Windows, Mac, and Linux and it's free! It also works well with JMRI and includes the ability to test run trains on the track plan! And it's FREE! There is a large user base and very active support forums available also. And the best part is, it's free! LOL! The manual is built into the software and includes examples and demo's, all for free!

SCARM got very popular on the forum when it was free, and it is still a very good program, but XtrackCAD is a more feature rich program and includes what is a paid extra in SCARM, for no cost to you!

Just my 2 cents

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