Don't know if I asked this question before but here goes. My "under construction" layout will be using GarGraves track with Ross switches. I'm using O-54 for my outer loop, and O-42 for my inner loop. GarGraves curves come in 45-degree segments for those two radii, but for the Ross switches, the O-42 is only 32 degrees, and the O-54 is only 30 degrees. Do I have to cut a corresponding radii track section to make up the difference, or does Ross make a special track section that I'm not aware of? If I cut the track, I'm assuming that the procedure would be to lay a curve section on the switch and mark where the switch ends. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Ross has an O42X make up piece for the O42 switch to take it to 45° and O42P to bring it to parallel.
You'll have to cut for the O54.
read about Gargraves track specifications on their website. The diameter is "nominal" - not center rail like Ross. A Gargraves is a 54" diameter to the outside rail and the Ross is a 54" diameter on the center rail.
This is where software will help with the fitment for a build plan.
If you are going to use sectional track, I would suggest that you use all Ross.
I was just talking to someone last night at my local train shop and they commented that Ross has went the way of Atlas 21st Century and MTH Scale Trax. Non available. Is this correct? Ross was saying at York that they had track which is what Atlas Always says but never has. Just wondering.
I did order some switches from Ross (RossReady type), and in e-mailing Steve there, he is waiting for Z-Stuff to send him the DZ-1000 machine so he can fill his orders. The machines should be at Ross by the 22nd of the month, and they need a few days after that to complete the back orders.
I have learned, the hard way that cars designated as 042 or greater do not like GG 042 premade curves but run fine on Ross 042. Be wary of that if you have restricted radius rolling stock
This is Gargraves flex track with both Gargraves and Ross Switches.
All track and switches were recycled from another layout.