My favorite new term that I have heard at train shows in the last couple of years is
"Big HO" - to refer to On30. It makes some HO types cringe, as it introduces the
ambiguousness of O and G, relative to scale and gauge. Funny.
So, Big HO it is.
"G" somehow gets lost on me, as does Z (funny extremes, there). N is just too cute for
words, and has reliable articulateds, so I'm impressed. HO is too big for Cute, and too
small for Impressive, so I tend to wander away. S is the eternal Perfect Scale...that nobody buys (that may yet change...nah). The True Perfect Scale is 1:56 (think K-line Alleghenies, good RK Imperial and Lionmaster - these all fall closely that size), which would preserve
most of the heft of O, but lose some of it's unwieldiness - and acreage requirements.
But no one makes it - and the track (one-inch gauge 2-rail) to go with it.
If 2-rail O had been willing and able to compromise and offered some of the flexibility of
3-rail (easily mounted blind drivers; easily converted/un-converted swinging pilots, to name two examples), I would have been there. But, the really good stuff is in 3RO, so here I am.
On30 is very appealing, though usually a little "teapot steamer" quaint for my taste.
I like it, and all that HO machinery that can be used for building locos, well, neat.