I was tinkering a bunch over the past year in my Anyrail program and was wondering what are things to avoid as far as big screw ups. One of the things I was trying to work into the design was a two level design with the levels connected to each other. My one thought and problem seemed to be how to get things connected. I had wanted to do the standard 6" distance between track height(as that has been advised on most things I have read). It always seems to me that the ramp down is in the wrong spot, or just too steep.
If you are designing a layout, do you tuck the ramps on the outside of whatever is the main surface(whether it is the higher or lower section), hide them in mountains, have them run in between other sections that stay flat to give depth? I imagine a decent sized layout, at least 15x9(10, or 12) maybe a dog bone design, something that winds a bit. My thinking on parts of this is the ramp could be problematic as I have heard at times curves and raising or lowering leads to problems.
Aside from ramps, what other design issues should I or anyone else be on the lookout for? I know that there is of course the great overthink, where you try to cram everything into one layout, or even one area and it winds up becoming another failure in the trash bin. Heck, maybe what should be included.
How many main lines? At least 2, maybe 3.
Yard? Yes. How big of a yard? Not exactly sure what constraints would be, what area would be decent to make a functional yard within the 15x9.
How many yards? Not sure, depends on the answer to the other question.
Yard contain service facilities? Would like to have one(with turntable), do they have to be connected off the yard, or could they be elsewhere?
Type of layout? Steam mostly. I think one of my other posts somewhere I wanted to be in the 1940 area, like 1945-46 I think I may have said. Most of my engines are steam and within or before that.
Town or City? I would most likely do sort of small town area, open space with some farmland or such, trees and the like. No big city buildings.
Reverse loops? It is a possible idea, see what space is there to take.
I don't think I left out any details, but figured asking questions to give some sort of answers to what may be asked was a good idea.
Oh, I will definitely be running bigger engines which mean big curves. O-72 is a must for some of my engines, so there would have to either be that as the mains and some of the yard, or a dedicated line(s) so that they could run. Naturally I wouldn't want to limit myself on curves either, so I am guessing that I could even have wider for most of the main areas and shrink down to O-72 in other areas(I have tinkered with that to a degree in designing).