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Many things to consider.  Maybe you can learn from me.  My layout is about 15X13 around the room in a G shape.  It's fine and I like it, but in order to allow a path and such, the body of the layout is fairly narrow, maybe 30" .  The loops are widened but I limited myself to an outer 042 and inner 031 loop effectively.  This could affect what you might want to run.  Further, the narrowness of the layout also makes it more difficult to work in accessories and scenery ( at least I thought so in my case).  If I had chosen to go around the room and use access bridges to get across the doorway,  I would have saved or provided myself with more room I think.  On the other hand, I have a long run with the trains.  I guess all I'm saying is to think about it first.  Maybe even set something up on the floor for a while to see how you like it.  If you don't get seasick, the video will show how little room I have around the room and is just meant to give you something to think about as my layout is a mess....




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Looking at the video Dennis has posted is a great example of what a versatile layout can be. I see his layout be to versatile for someone who is a "train runner" or an "operator"...I prefer both...only because as much as I like to see my trains running around my 6x12 double loop layout....adding in some operating features add a lot of fun for both myself and friends who stop some research here on the forum and you will get plenty of ideas....just keep in's what you want ...and don't be surprised if you change your mind several time along the journey.....either way...get some trains up and running...any mistakes or changes you make along the way will only all get you closer to your "final destination"....go easy at the beginning and try not to spend a lot of money on track and scenery ...I find buying the trains themselves will cost you a lot more....building the scenery around them makes the trains  come to life and does not have to cost a lot money.....enjoy!!!

Trainhead:  I think you've probably seen my videos on the Glacier Line Youtube channel.  You are asking tough questions because the only one who knows what kind of a layout you want is you.

Are you interested in strictly just a toy looping layout or are you looking to closely replicate reality?  

If you are doing something more realistic you need to think about:  What is the name of my railroad?  Where is it?  What will it be doing?  And most importantly, what will you and others be doing to interact with the train(s) to have fun?

There are tons of questions that you need to ask yourself prior to starting a layout.  If you are anxious to get up and running set up a temporary loop of track on the floor while you give some time and thought of exactly it is that you want to do.

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