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Hi Trainguy714,

How wide is your table? 48"? Do you have a 5" in the center of curves or just 4 curves?

It doesn't look like there is enough length to put a switch in the turn. I have attached a 1 short stub pic. One option is to add a 2' x 4' extension.(pic attached) The other option is to put it in the center of the oval.


Either way, there won't be much of a yard lead. If you only run one train at time, that won't be problem.


Images (2)
  • Trainman714 stub
  • Trainman714 stub yard option 1
Originally Posted by Trainguy714:

How do I put in my length and width for my table on scram 

Everything is done in inches. So, you 48.5" x  128".

Select>Tools at the top menu bar>select Toolbox> select baseboard> select rectangle>enter the dimensions>select ok


Next select Starting point from the drop down menu in the toolbox. Enter the grid points where you would like to start the track. I usually use 3.5" for the starting point from an edge as fastrack is a little less than 3.5" inches wide. Half of that from the center is 1.5"+1.5" clearance to edge of table= 3.5". The arrow for the starting point in SCARM starts at 0 degrees facing east or right. The starting point gives you just that.


The SCARM Blog has a tutorial section as well as ChessieFan72 put together a SCARM tutorial in the forum.

Originally Posted by Trainguy714:

Here is a snapshot from scram moonman

If you create your table(baseboard) and start at the joint between the two 36º corners or the left the point should be 19.5" + 1.5"= X or 21 and Y would equal 24 or the center of the table and the angle would be 90º or 180º points up or down.


The select a curve and right click and select move. Move it over. Now double click your layout, it will select all tracks, then right click and select move. Move it until the arrow touches the start point arrow and indicates green and then left click. That should put it the right position on your table as built. Now just select the first curve and move it back to the empty space.


I think that you will find that angling the yard lead as I did, results in a longer and straighter yard stub. It's tough to couple cars on a curve.

Here is your SCARM file. Right-click, save target as, then save it. Double-click to open it.

Check the edge measurements. To remove the color, double-click the colored(proposed new yard) and then select the color button on the menu bar, next to tunnel icon and select none or default. That makes it easier to work with the track when it is all the same color.


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