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I just wanted to let everybody know that Trainstock 16 will be held at the NJ Hi-Railers train club on Saturday January 18 in Paterson NJ.   Just wanted to let everybody also know that this may be our last Trainstock   The building our hosts so graciously allowed us to use for the past 22 years has been sold.  It will be converted into self storage units and the new owners arent as gracious as they want us out.  So lets go out with a bang on January 18 and hopefully we can find a place to house us and do it again in the future   


This is the logo for Trainstock 16  We will have hats available



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Wow, the thought of moving it all is earth-shattering news! I really hope you guys find another facility to let you set up the incredible layout you have.

On a brighter note, our own train club signed a 50 year lease agreement with the township of Lakewood last month for $1.00! The town is very happy that we moved to a township building. In effect, we pay 2 cents a year for 50 years until October1, 2074! I’ve told my younger members that they can negotiate a new lease with the town then.

Last edited by Ted Bertiger

Wow, this is very distressing news. More like a punch to the gut.

This reminds me of a story I saw on YouTube. IIRC it was the Winchester model RR Club. They had become a main stay in their town and were synonymous with having incredible open houses for the holidays. They drew crowds and there were long lines to get in. Everyone in town enjoyed seeing the trains at Christmas time. I forget exactly how it happened but they needed to purchase the building they were in so they tried to buy the B&O freight house from CSX. They couldn't get up enough money and some lady from a non-profit organization got the building and promptly kicked them out. She needed the building for storage. A big loss for the town as there were no more open houses to coincide with the holidays. Please correct me if I got anything wrong on the above story.

A big heartfelt thank you to all the NJ Hi-Railers members who put so much effort into so many events there over the years from TCA events to open houses to Trainstock. Thank you for all the hours of hard work you put into making your layout probably the best 3 rail layout in the world. I never had a bad time there. I enjoyed every minute of my time there from Vinnie's cooking to watching the trains go. I sincerely hope they can find another place to move their layout and that the club will live on. I can't tell you guys how much I appreciate all the good times and all the good memories I have had there.

And remember it's not just the 3 rail layout. The NJ Hi-railers also own layouts of historical significance like the Tom Snyder standard gauge layout and the layout from the Sopranos. All of these layouts need to be saved.

Ah, that's a kick in the pants, Ben and gang. I wish you all the best in finding a new roost; I would love to be part of such a club, but being chronically sick and still having to work beats me to a pulp every week. Now if you guys set up near me in PA, I'd head out on crutches and lend a hand

22 years! Holy time-warp, Batman. I have two DVDs of the NJ Hi-Railers layout and enjoy them very much.

What a buzzkill.   I have to fix it at work so I can make the 18th.

So sad when great places like this close. Happens often these days. And up goes another gas station / convenience store or something. And now ... self-service storage.

County over from NJ Hi-Railers was the Chatterbox Drive-In. Cool place. Bike nights. Hot rod nights. Classics nights. Now it's a friggn' WaWa gas station.

Last edited by CNJ Jim

Lets make Trainstock 16, the biggest and best Trainstock we've ever had.

Before you know it, we'll be celebrating Trainstock 17 in a new location, with this situation far behind us!

Thank you all for the love and support.

185 6th Ave, Paterson NJ will forever be a special place to me and my family, and our extended train family.

I can't wait to make new memories wherever we land!!

May be an image of 11 people and text

Last edited by mattrains

So sorry to read about this on the Forum this morning!!!!

Benny, you were so gracious in letting Sue and myself come and see the clubs layout on that Saturday afternoon, when we were in New Jersey earlier this year. Then you let me "test run" my new MTH RailKing SD-40 diesel that I just picked up that morning from Pat over at E-Z Catch Trains on Staten Island, even putting smoke fluid in it for me, to test the smoke output.

We were joined by Mark Spadaro, and later by Bob Shipley (birthday boy), both very good friends I have made on the OGR Forum.

You guys are just the greatest, and I wish you the best of luck in finding somewhere else to set-up again. I have never seen, or been able to operate my trains on such a grand layout.....we have nothing even close to that here in Australia.

All the best Ben from your two friends from "down-under"

Peter......Buco Australia.

Shocking to say the least.

My family is so happy that we had the opportunity to see the club and its incredible layout last year. Even my wife was blown away…😜. Ben was such a gracious  host and made us all feel like long lost friends reunited. Junior was equally amazing in showing my boys all of the nooks and crannies of the layout. It was so cool to see the boys pop up out of the top of the mountain! A very magical couple of hours.

I wish you all the best in locating a new home and with Matt’s always positive approach as quoted above “before you know it” I’m sure you all will soon!

We may have to clear the calendar and make a boys trip in January!

Wow! January is stacking up to be a really lousy month! Trainstock 16 will be a bright light in our lives, then it's all downhill from there!

It's really disappointing when we hear about a fellow OGR member selling a house and taking down a layout, but this is a loss that will impact many people, the OGR community, and I'm sure, the members of the NJHR crew.  The hours of dedicated work that has been done in that building by so many members over the years, is immeasurable.   Rest assured that the thousands of  visitors to NJHR have appreciated the work done there, and  we'll all look forward to a future Trainstock at a new location!

Of course, the date is already on the calendar, and we look forward to enjoying the treasures of the New Jersey HiRailers one more time!

Obviously disappointing news.  I am confident the club will find a path forward based on the enthusiasm, work ethic, and quality of the people involved in it.

What would be helpful is if anyone in the NJ area knows of any other opportunities like the one Ted references above.  If so, send to Ben because while the logistics and work to move and rebuild a layout are considerable, the real key question is finding out whether, and if so, the extent to which, the club's economics (i.e., rent) can be replicated in a new location.  Get that settled and you can rebuild the layout, even if there are short term costs.  Or if there are folks that know a friend or family member that is a commercial real estate agent in NJ and would be willing to help out a great group of people to suggest leads.  Those types of things would be helpful to the club, I would imagine.

Have a good day everyone.  TGIF.

WOW! That's terrible news.

As Peter @Buco mentioned above, I made my first visit to the NJHR Club last May when he and his lovely wife Sue, were here on his pilgrimage across the USA. Ben and the guys were beyond gracious hosts giving my son and I a tour of the whole layout. Ben was especially proud of the effort to rescue the original GCT Control Board from a certain death in a land fill. Undoubtedly a piece of railroad history that deserves to be preserved.

We also met up with @Mark V. Spadaro and we all had a great time.

The Jersey Boys know how to do it right. Definitely clearing the calendar for Trainstock in January!


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I have only seen the NJ Hi-Railer display on this forum and YouTube videos.  It is magnificent.  I am sorry that I won't be able to see it in person.  I could never find an excuse to visit from CA.  

I hope that the club will be able to purchase and build a permanent home.  It seems that the only way model railroad clubs can control their destiny is by owning their real estate.  Rents always go up and buildings are eventually sold.  This has happened to several SF Bay Area clubs.  

Good luck and I wish the club and its members a bright future.  NH Joe

Nothing short of tragic. An absolute icon in the world of model trains. Neil Young should buy you guys a building! Hard to believe. The amount of joy and wonder NJHR has brought to its visitors and guests cannot be overstated! 🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁

Actually Mark,

Bruce Springsteen is a model train enthusiast and from New Jersey.  Maybe Ben can contact him.


I echo all the sentiments expressed by others. I've made 3 trips to Paterson. The first was on my own, but the subsequent trips were with others to share the experience. Even after describing to others what they'd see, it wasn't until they walked into the layout room that they had that "Oh, my!" moment. Add to that the welcoming atmosphere and breaking of the bread together and these folks had a magic formula for an enjoyable day with the trains. And here's the thing, the people I brought aren't even into model railroading. Unique experience. Not sure what is in store for us in January, but I've got a placeholder on the calendar.

Last edited by Mooner

Hi Ben et al.

Beyond disappointed to hear of your upcoming eviction. I hope and pray you'll be able to find a suitable, and affordable, place to begin a new layout soon. And to save all the one-of-a-kind items you've got there, from Tom Snyder's layout, the Sopranos layout, the GCT board, the posters along the window wall, etc.

Kathie and I are planning to be there.

Our best wishes to you and the other club members for a bright future together.

Chris (and Kathie)

Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER


I'm sure that someone may have already thought about a way to work with this.  What are the chances that the storage facility might consider leaving the third floor as-is and renting it to the NJHR?  That, coupled with a state or federal grant for funding might be do-able.  Our club in CT (BMRS) has benefited from 2 state grants that allowed us to do some major (for us) projects that donations at the door just couldn't cover.  The NJHR is a state and national treasure!

@necrails posted:

You can get Google directions which will give you a walking time.  As far as the neighborhood it a low income tired area but entirely walkable.

We are on the outskirts of Paterson in the Bunker hill section  The walk from Hawthorne train station isnt bad  Straight shot down river   You pass the Sealy mattress factory on the way.   We are the black dot in the pic



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@NKP Muncie posted:

Another possibly apt Joni Mitchell song - "Just Like This Train," from "Court and Spark."

Sorry to hear about the loss of the space. When I lived in Brooklyn, I and a friend had the pleasure of visiting. Hope you're able to find another location. How transportable is the layout?


Not transportable at all  It was built in phases that were all add ons to a layout that was purchased from somebody 

@bluelinec4 posted:

Although our days might be numbered in our location we are always adding new things to the layout   This is our latest addition  The Daily Planet

Very cool 😎 Ben.

The only thing that would have topped that would have been a train rolling by when the "more powerful than a locomotive" line was said. Great addition to the layout.

I'm definitely flying up in January to visit this wonderful train exhibit that you all have before it's gone.

Last edited by Amfleet25124

I believe that almost anything can be negotiated.  Will the new owners even talk about possibilities?  IF your Club is a recognized [IRS  Section 501(c)(3) ] charity the owner could write off the value of the third floor at the number of units per year, I would think.  You need to contact a Tax Lawyer for a consult. 

How about this under [IRS  Section 501(c)(3) ] :  A private foundation ??

That is really cool! I loved it. The Daily Planet globe at the top of the building is incredible. Maybe next time a Baxter Building for us Marvel fans? I get it, the FF is just not as popular as Superman. Great job, NJHR!

By the way if the layout does get torn down please do not post pictures of it. I don't ever want to see it.

Very sorry to read of this.

Though the possibility of me ever attending is essentially zero, I always looked forward to the pics and stories that led up to, then followed a Trainstock event.

From all the years I've followed Trainstock postings, I'm of the opinion that the N.J. Hi-Railers appear to be a group of very creative, hard working, and friendly individuals. (Well... sort of friendly! LOL!)

I do hope the N.J. Hi-Railers find solutions to this situation.


WOW, Gut wrenching news, I can’t even fathom the idea of taking down a layout of that magnitude.  My mind couldn’t address the thought of taking down my layout and it’s only 30x12, a mere facsimile of what you guys have over there.  I’m speechless. The new owner must have some real grandiose plans for a building of that size. Business is business but man, sometimes you have to have a conscience…. 22 years up in smoke. I’m a 2d generation Mason and I saw my father’s lodge get destroyed due to lack of membership and old passing members and it’s a sad feeling knowing what used to be when I pass thru the neighborhood.  My hope is that the NJHR find something bigger & better but even with an outcome like that ….. the amount of work to rebuild is immeasurable, not impossible though. Good Luck fellas, I’ll be there in January.

The new owner must have some real grandiose plans for a building of that size. Business is business but man, sometimes you have to have a conscience…. 22 years up in smoke.

Literally up in smoke as the new owner is a pot farmer    Converting 1st floor factory into grow rooms   The rest of the building is going to be Self Storage units.

We started a GoFund Me to try to help with the cost but it really hasnt been too active yet

@bluelinec4 posted:

We started a GoFund Me to try to help with the cost but it really hasnt been too active yet

I strongly urge folks to do all they can to support the GoFundMe page the NJHR has established. The cost to relocate/preserve that great (in both size and presentation) layout is certainly going to be formidable. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best, but they sure face quite a challenge. Still, there are many folks in this hobby with highly creative minds who may offer valuable suggestions and assistance, and I imagine there even are some with deep pockets who would love to help in that way. "Hope springs eternal" as the old saying goes!

So looking once again at travel time, 1 hour 14 minutes barring terrible traffic, I know in 2019 Allan and I parked on the back end of 6th Street by the fences, and not the parking lot. I almost didn't recognize the view from the satellite feed. Of course that is always hard to notice. I don't know if my brother did give me an answer or not, I'll have to talk more about going to him this weekend.

Fellow Forumites,

                         It is now 3:00 p.m. and everyone should be awake on both coasts.  If you have read this thread, you must know we have a model railroad club in need of your help.  At the moment, NJ Hi-Railers is seeking monetary donations with a gofundme to help us relocate the club's layout.  Any donation amount would be helpful, but a mere $5 or $10 donation would be greatly appreciated.  That is just two cups of coffee or one if you are going to Starbucks!  This forum has almost 30,000 members, and if half would donate just $10.00 or more, it would solve our problem.  That's less than a train car would cost, and it is tax deductible !   So please help us out and support our club by making a donation so we can relocate and continue to promote our hobby. 

Bill Sherry

@bluelinec4 posted:

We started a GoFund Me to try to help with the cost but it really hasnt been too active yet

I strongly urge folks to do all they can to support the GoFundMe page the NJHR has established. The cost to relocate/preserve that great (in both size and presentation) layout is certainly going to be formidable. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best, but they sure face quite a challenge. Still, there are many folks in this hobby with highly creative minds who may offer valuable suggestions and assistance, and I imagine there even are some with deep pockets who would love to help in that way. "Hope springs eternal" as the old saying goes!

@pennsyfan posted:

Ben, I will be there with my Son. I’ve missed a few but I’ll not miss this one.


Just want to let everyone know what a standup guy Bob Amling is   He donated a professional movie maker to produce a documentary on the History and Operation of the NJ HiRailers  We are currently assisting the film crew to come up with a cool production   I met Bob years ago when we were both involved with the METCA transformation.  I cant thank him enough and if you see him at Trainstock shake his hand and give him a pat on the back  We even got the camerman to sit on Santa's lap 



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Ben, I know you know that my wife, Shawn, and I will be there and be at all future Trainstocks for the rest of our lives.

One more thing: I also believe that because of your extraordinarily leadership and that of all the other wonderful leaders in the NJ HiRailers, that there will be many more wonderful Trainstock celebrations down the line.


Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari
@bluelinec4 posted:

Just want to let everyone know what a standup guy Bob Amling is   He donated a professional movie maker to produce a documentary on the History and Operation of the NJ HiRailers  We are currently assisting the film crew to come up with a cool production   I met Bob years ago when we were both involved with the METCA transformation.  I cant thank him enough and if you see him at Trainstock shake his hand and give him a pat on the back  We even got the camerman to sit on Santa's lap


This is fabulous. The documentary about the NJ HiRailers is going to be great! Arnold

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