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The spacing on the Millhouse TT is unlimited. You can put the RH wherever you want, as much room as you have. It does not matter with or without the indexing kit, the spacing does not matter.

Are you using an extension for any of the stalls?

You will need at least 7'-8' from the front edge of the pit to the back of the RH if you want a track around the backside of it.

Last edited by Laidoffsick

Based on the pdf Chuck posted it also depends on how many stalls you plan to install. For three stalls you have a wide choice. As you add stalls you have to move the roundhouse further back or else curve the tracks. 16.2" from the pit wall would be required if you had say more than 10 stalls. Otherwise the outside tracks  would end up in the next stall(s).


I started my layout last November and have just about all of my benchwork up. One thing I very much wanted to have was a roundhouse/turntable. The space I allotted turned out to be 9 x 9 ft. I have an older 30" Bowser TT that I rebuilt the drive mechanism on and works pretty good. I settled on a 7 stall Korber RH with one BB extension. I could probably add another two or three stalls but stop at 7. I'm guessing I could have got away with a 8 x 8 or even a 7 x 7 space for the 7 stalls but it would have very close to the edge and I didn't want that. Like Mike CT shows if you go with less stalls you can still have a good looking RH/TT area. They hog up a lot of space but it's been part of the dream for me.

There is a huge difference between the "minimum" requirements and what is necessary for an uncrowded steam yard. On my last layout I had the Millhouse 34" table and the Korber four stall roundhouse. Remember, you will want whisker tracks, ancillary structures, a yard office, powerhouse, coal tower, water tank, ash pit, etc. On and on.

My yard was about 8 feet wide by 9-10 feet long. You can squeeze these two into four by eight technically, but that is like running 85' passenger cars on O-63 radius curves. They'll run, but look funny.

Three Steamers


Images (1)
  • Three Steamers
Last edited by Scrapiron Scher
Mark Zeigler posted:

I do not mean to turn the direction of this thread away from Korber but does anyone know if an Atlas round house can be used with the Millhouse River 34" turntable? Thank you.


Hi Mark, Yes you can. Here is a photo of Alan Arnold's 34" with two Atlas roundhouses 

Millhouse 34


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