Check out this sneak peek of Thursday’s O Gauge release! Stay tuned for more details!
Thank you,
Mark the Menards Train Guy
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Replies sorted oldest to newest
LOL, This one is good. I have no idea whats coming. But more then likely something I want, can use, and likely purchase.
"WHEW" I hope it's not something I want. My Visa Card needs a break.
Another Building or Flatcar. But it will be another box car .
New York Central ?
Bill T.
That's my first impression, Bill....
How about a Central Grain & Feed building? Is there such a company?
Wisconsin Central, perhaps?
Bill T, I'm with you!!!!
I know that geographically, its out of Menard's stompin' grounds but some New York Central stuff would be terrific.
BTW Bill, we're in the same town... shoot me an email, my info is in my profile.
I wish your wife luck.
Haha. Good tease. I may be a 2-railer, but I really enjoy these weekly Menards announcements. I already have the Dakota cabinet factory which is really nice. That's going on my 2 rail pike. Patiently waiting for an engine house in one of my RRs
I'll bet it's another RR sign for their engine house.
Robert E,
If it is a N.Y.C. engine house or a box car, both will sell great.
I am with Jim, same lettering as the NYC, now the item witch has this monicor pasted on it.
railcar, but what rail car?
Again I am with Jim. it is going to be a NYC boxcar.
I will bet 12.5 rubles! it is the owner of the logo.
I am looking forward to the army flat with the fuel truck, I also ordered the Feed store.
It's been out for a while, but I just bought the Menard's flat car with F-150 security truck. The headlights and taillights light up using track power. Way cool! Now one of my favorite auto carriers. MTH take note...
It looks like a sign that is illuminated. Like a sign for a building
I remember seeing that word when I was still in Law enforcement. The only difference was it had "Booking" after it.
Chief Bob (Retired)
Check out this sneak peek of Thursday’s O Gauge release! Stay tuned for more details!
Thank you,
Mark the Menards Train Guy
HI Mark....
I just wanted everyone to know about my first purchase of CN cars from Menards.
not only the price and quality, but the package arrived in the Livonia MI store
in 5 days. The communication via E mail kept you informed every step of the way.
As soon as they had it in the store I received an E mail. People in the store were
very polite and helpful. What more can you ask for ?
So If anyone is on the fence about dealing with Menards don't be.
Mark, Tell every one involved they are doing a great job.
I got 20 of the reading boxcars, they look really nice, and hard to beat for the price! I keep looking back to see what else they have, I'm tempted by the PRR cars.
According to the Menard's website, I made a lucky guess. Great work Menard's. Please keep them coming.
Menards sure is making major contributions to our hobby.
Love the car, esp. if it can pass for "scale." Worried that the shade of green they used may be a bit dark based on the photos on their web site. Looks more evergreen.... Might snag a few anyways, tho.
Bob -
When it arrives, could you be so kind as to post your thoughts, +/- picture, on the shade of green? This looks like a much darker green that the car pictured in Jim's post above. This would likely be a factor in whether or not I order these, unless the darker green is also prototypical. Thanks.
- Neal
According to the Menard's website, I made a lucky guess. Great work Menard's. Please keep them coming.
Menards sure is making major contributions to our hobby.
I also echo these sentiments. I've heard almost nothing but good things about the recent Menards products. I do want to clarify that I'm not trying to be overly negative w/my previous posts, it's just more of a matter of my personal tastes & layout goals. They're doing a great job of filling a niche of low-cost, quality, realistic rolling stock that our hobby needs.
Neal : Will do.!! Sometimes if I order on Thursday it will be he Friday, if not Monday morning.. Just left word with Menards, my last car I just bought, SOO.. the couplers don't stay closed. Hope customer service has good things to say.. Bob
Thanks! Will eagerly await your report....
Let's see some nice tank cars next!
Love the car, esp. if it can pass for "scale." Worried that the shade of green they used may be a bit dark based on the photos on their web site. Looks more evergreen.... Might snag a few anyways, tho.
I suspect that unless it's different than the Reading cars in size that it can pass for scale. The Reading cars are a scale 40" long and the only difference from the Lionel scale 40" reefers is about a 1/8" or less width difference. Looking at them you'd never know.
This is a very creative way of getting our attention!! are an evil guy!!..LOL!! GREAT JOB!
Our email just went live!
Introducing the New York Central Boxcar! This O gauge boxcar will be a beautiful new addition to your train collection! Each boxcar is uniquely numbered, so no two are the same! The box is green in color and contains detailed logos of the New York Central railroad. The chassis is built with premium metal trucks and operating couplers. SKU# 279-2638
BONUS OFFER: Buy 8 New York Central boxcars and save $30! That's only $16.24 each!
In case you missed it, this week’s email is attached below. If you want to get these emails in your inbox, click here to sign up!
Thank you,
Mark the Menards Train Guy
You know, it's getting so I am getting gun-shy about posting here to seek honest opinions on items being sold by forum sponsors. Seems that honest posts about product's from forum sponsors that point out the product's shortcomings often, inexplicably, disappear. So this provides a warped basis for making an informed decision about whether to buy that product. The net effect is, when this happens, I don't buy the forum sponsor's product as I can't get to a comfort level given this dynamic.
With the fear that this post too will be banished to cyberspace, I ask - I've never bought a Menards freight car - and there is no Menard's within 300 miles of where I live and must buy online. I am hoping for an honest opinion on how well made, heavy and detailed they are. Obviously, a control is needed for the comparison to have value. In my opinion, Atlas are the most well-made, heaviest and detailed. I think MTH is a close second. I find the Lionel steam era freight cars to be the lightest and flimsiest of the three - but still a very nice car. If you have a similar opinion on the Atlas, Lionel and MTH car, this creates a "control" for comparison and I would like to hear your opinion on how the Menard's car as I'd like to buy more than just their buildings. Thanks.
Image is not showing up sir.
nvm I clicked on link, they look very nice
I am hoping for an honest opinion on how well made, heavy and detailed they are. Obviously, a control is needed for the comparison to have value. In my opinion, Atlas are the most well-made, heaviest and detailed. I think MTH is a close second. I find the Lionel steam era freight cars to be the lightest and flimsiest of the three - but still a very nice car. If you have a similar opinion on the Atlas, Lionel and MTH car, this creates a "control" for comparison and I would like to hear your opinion on how the Menard's car as I'd like to buy more than just their buildings. Thanks.
The Menards cars are certainly robust as far as the "flimsy" comment. They are few "added details" such as you find on some other cars, most of the detail is in the molding. While this may not suit some folks, there's also less "added detail" to break, which I find to be an issue with Lionel and Atlas cars. They have all metal trucks, including the couplers. They do not have the fast angle wheels, the wheelsets are similar to post-war axles with straight bearing surfaces. They roll quite well after lube, but probably not as freely as the needle point axles in the other brands. In an interesting twist, the side-frames of the trucks are screwed on, so you can remove them, somewhat unexpected. The ones I got appear to be scale sized, when compared to the new Lionel PFE reefers, the only difference I see is about 1/8" or less width difference. Several folks have said they got a couple with coupler issues, the first ten I got all worked well with no issues. The unique numbers are accomplished using decals.
Bottom line, at least for me, a really good value for a $20 retail priced scale sized car. They look great, and I can have ten cars for around the price of three of the high priced spread. They're not for everyone, but I'm not unhappy I picked them up, and I'll likely buy more.
Wow! I am two for two, You have to make this harder Mark.
I would like to see it in scale then I would buy it.
Black tank car please.
Bottom line, at least for me, a really good value for a $20 retail priced scale sized car. They look great, and I can have ten cars for around the price of three of the high priced spread. They're not for everyone, but I'm not unhappy I picked them up, and I'll likely buy more.
I totally agree John.
I'll add this also. The CN cars from Menards weigh about the same as my Atlas
Steam era classic boxcars.
When coupled the Atlas cars are about 1 3/16 between them.
The Menards cars are 7/8. I think it looks nicer.
On an 036 Atlas track there is about 1/8" clearance between the cars.
I'm sure they would be fine on 031, maybe not on 027...
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