I don't know if the 214 Girder Bridge was designed to work in conjunction with the 110 & 111 Trestle sets, but many people have used them together successfully. You most likely will need to drill a couple of holes in the base of the 214 Girder Bridge depending on the version of the 110 trestle set you use and which track system you are using. Through the years, the trestle set "bents" have remained the same, but the attaching hardware has gone through several changes. The original hardware was made before Lionel acquired American Flyer, but the manual shows how the clamps can be used with Lionel O gauge, Lionel O27 gauge, and American Flyer S gauge. These clamps should work easily to attach the girder bridge to the trestle with an O gauge straight section since they are 10" long. But the clamps might be a little tricky with O27 track since the girder bridge is 10" and the track is less than 9" long. When Lionel introduced Super O gauge track, they made a change in the attaching hardware and it was made to work with Lionel O gauge, Lionel O27 gauge, and Lionel Super O gauge track systems. The last change to the hardware was a plastic clip system that works (if it works?) with Lionel O gauge and modern Lionel O27 gauge track.