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I have attached my first very rough idea for a 14x18 area.  I really wanted to keep it to 14x16, but with the curves, haven't made much luck.

I am struggling with the diameter of track.  I really wanted to use 72" fast track as the outside line and 60" as the inside line.  I am not sure if this is ideal or not.  I don't have any large locomotives that require this yet, but figured down the road I may.  

Does anyone have suggestions on this?  I was thinking of scaling down to 60" and 48" but heard the 60" fastrack switches don't match the 60" curves very well.

I also had thought of just a rectangle table around 7' x 16'.

I tried an L, but it seems like there would be too many curves. 

There are lots of rooms for improvement here and I have been struggling getting started.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

14x18 area v1 



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prrjim posted:

You appear to have 2 yards.   I would suggest you follow the late John Armstrongs advice and make the yard leads separate from the main.    As it is now, any yard work requires closing the main.    With a separate lead, a yard engine could work the yard classifying cars without fouling the main.

The top left is engine service and the yard at the bottom was only for storage. No cutting and building designed in that plan.

The fragments inside the loops are unfinished reversing tracks.

I really just put it up for a shape for him to work with.

prrjim posted:

So if there is not yard and not industries, what does the RR do?    How do you make up and break down trains?   Is this going to be a model RR or a diaorama to display your collection.   Either way is fine, just different focus.    I try to look at the layouts are model RRs that do something.    

Hi, I still have plans for a yard, just still going through design.  Also, it would be something to add down the road.  For now, it was an attempt to run trains on a few track with my son, and continue to grow add over time.

MikeWalter posted:
prrjim posted:

So if there is not yard and not industries, what does the RR do?    How do you make up and break down trains?   Is this going to be a model RR or a diaorama to display your collection.   Either way is fine, just different focus.    I try to look at the layouts are model RRs that do something.    

Hi, I still have plans for a yard, just still going through design.  Also, it would be something to add down the road.  For now, it was an attempt to run trains on a few track with my son, and continue to grow add over time.

Carl aka Moonman has a good solution for your space. In your plan the yard will be hard to reach unless you can walk around the layout and or have duck-unders with lift out hatches.

That's a good yard lead if you want to do some cuts and builds.

Don't forget the pesky 1 3/8" fitters with O60 and O72 switches and Wyes. You can trim the roadbed of the curve to mate with the switch at the bottom.

here is what I changed for the yard and a handy dandy straight track combination reference to fit the gaps. It gives a few longer spurs.


MikeWalter posted:

Would it be fair to say there is play in Fastrack?  I have a few gaps like .21 or less that I can't get to fit together in Scarm, but it seems reasonable I could get a little movement over the long runs to make it work.  


The gaps of molded roadbed track of that size are not good. Makes a hole that wheels drop in. Misalignment of a 1/8"-1/4" is more forgiving.

I fixed the gaps with combos. The way to reduce the track count and eliminate a lot of the small fitters is to make a custom cut straight.


MikeWalter posted:

Yes, I like that better.  Do you have to use the 1 3/8" on all three places on the switches?  I assume most used for block sections?  

I was curious why there were no roadbed pieces.  

Thanks for the PDF, good info!

The half-road bed pieces are used on the thru on the turnout end and the turnout.  The no-roadbed piece is used for turnout to turnout, as in a crossover. The entry to the switch doesn't require one.

So, for the switch in the curve at the bottom, you could trim an 1 3/8" of roadbed off of one side to make it mate with the turnout. or put the piece in an refit the area to the next switch.


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  • 6-12048_072 Remote Switch
Last edited by Moonman

Might I ask why you don't run your main lines to the edge of your "table" in the "Northwest Corner" of your layout? 

Personally, that's what I would do....and then place the yard inside the mainlines/loops.

Mainlines aside, I think you may have too much dead space in the NW corner....

Just my two cents.  By no means am I "right"........

That is a good thought.  It is all in flux while I determine what I want to do.  I may look into your idea too, I like the thought.  I am getting excited about starting, but want to try and get to a "final" plan before I build the table.

I was thinking in the future of running a smaller train inside the main loops, like a o36 or o48, something that doesn't connect elsewhere, just to have another one running.  Like a polar express or Hogwarts.


definitely finalize your track plan before starting the table construction. 

is there a wall on the Western or Eastern edge of your layout space?

also, if you run to the edge of the NW corner after all, I would keep the Northern mainline completely straight...but would then gently bend the Western and Eastern portions "in and then back out" so that those runs are not strict 90 degree runs.  it's a very subtle difference...but often well worth it, IMHO.

also, short stubby straight sections after a switch in a yard aren't very useful.  you need almost 24" of track just to store two cars on it....if you're running 36-50' cars.

sometimes, you have to use a short straight section to fit an industry or are just filling otherwise dead space on a layout.

but the two extreme Northwest switches in your yard will make for a siding that won't hold many it currently sits.

Congratulations! Your layout is becoming interestinger and interestinger by the day!

I merely wish to reiterate two earlier comments that I believe are very important: 1.) ensure sufficiently long yard leads to permit switching without fouling main tracks and 2.) add industries to justify operation and add interest.  Having been limited to 4x8 sheets of plywood for 60 years and having had to be satisfied with short trains doing nothing but chase their tails around a small oval, I can assure you that you will tire of that exercise, eventually, and wish you'd followed the advice of our betters - and you've got the room to do it.

Yes, we love to watch a train go by... OK, we love to watch lots of trains go by, but we need to consider their purpose and have the flexibility to replicate at least some switching operations. Therefore, I suggest two yards and as many industries as you can squeeze in without preempting all of the scenery you envision, spoiling your loops or just plain looking silly.  There are plenty of small, interesting industrial layout designs here on the Forum, and elsewhere, elements of which you could incorporate into your design.

Best of luck!

Work keeps getting in the way of me messing with my design, so here is another idea based on suggestions from everyone.  Keep in mind too, this is no way complete.  There is a lot of open space for industry, another rail line, scenery and what not.  I was mainly working on the plan for the main lines, realizing money will limit how much I do up front.

Thanks again to everyone for the input, I love these forums so many willing to help with this fabulous hobby.

Thoughts on v4?

14x18 area v4


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  • 14x18 area v4
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You mentioned that the room's walls are on the north (top) and the east (right) sides which allows arm-reach access to the left, bottom and inside areas.  You might wish to consider relocating the north (top) back to back switch crossover to an area that is within easy reach, such as the parallel straights that run north/south along the left side of the walk-in section.  Turnouts in hard to reach areas can be a headache. 

Moonman posted:

Try this 4 way crossover within reach. The yard lead will block a future addition of reversing tracks blocking the North inside track.

Here is an attempt at the yard on the east a two feet wider to the west.  There is plenty of room for industry on the west and even a bit next to the yard.  This is not complete of course, but another version.


14x18 area v5


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  • 14x18 area v5
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Looks like your could add a way to reverse the trains without the hand of God.  Always nice to be able to mix it up and run in both directions. You can probably connect the yard on the east to the inner loop on the west side of the east loop and use it as a dual purpose yard / reverse. Maybe come off the top of the yard lead and go to the inner loop on the far west.  I have no skill with the programs to work it up.

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