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Hello all.  16x6 layout with access to all sides, min 40 inches of isle room, except the east side that is against the wall.  This is the space we had to work with.  Would have liked to have made an around the the wall layout, but it is what it is.  Outside loop is 064 with the inside loop being 054.  All switches are a minimum 054 with a few 064 so most anything can run without too much binding.  No grades, no mountains and no rivers.  I wanted to do a few, but going for a more urban layout with a focus on operations, two mainlines, yard and industry switching and most importantly operating accessories.  Just couldn't squeeze in room for everything. 

Redline is the airline to have to have a train moving around the layout while the greenline can either do switching activities, reverse the movement of the redline or if just in the mood to watch trains another train moving around the layout.  Wanted a siding, but also wanted big radius curves, so will just have to stash a train or two in the yard.

I now that some where looking for idea's on small/medium size layouts that don't have room for a full basement setup.  Figured I would throw this out there for some idea's.  We are enjoying it.


Last edited by Mike_H
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Sure, the darker blue yard at the top would have wider spurs and the crossovers at the bottom between the red and green loops wouldn't be as flat. They are Ross numbered switches. Can't get those angles in FasTrack. Use O72 switches everywhere. O60 & O48 curves.

It's probably the reason Ross was used. it gets maximum radius curves (O64 & O54) into the 6' width.

I like it too, thanks for posting. I have Atlas track, O-63 & O-54 and a 6'x16' layout table as well. I may just reconfigure mine to a similar setup for a change in operations while I continue to try and figure out my expansion plans that I can't seem to come up with. I have a couple of plans already made with the figure 8 in the inner loop, but I wasn't sure I wanted to give up the sidings I have now. Your plan looks pretty interesting and having seen it I may be convinced to change now. Thanks again for sharing your plans.

Glad you liked it.  The table is built, all track purchased with RCS.  Fast track is nice, but requires so much room for anything other than circles on a small layout.  Due to the room size, 6' is as large as we could go.  No pictures yet since work has been killing me lately.  Hoping I'll get some time off in a few weeks to start. 

Sure go for it Max.

I had thoughts of throwing in a scenic divide starting from the log loader going east to possibly add a small tunnel system and build up a coal scene near the 497 coal loader.  Would also break up the circle look.

Added new photo of scenic divide.  Wouldn't be much of a trackplan change other than trimming back the O72 Y switch for a smoother transition, but overall I think it would add more available scenery.


Images (1)
  • 16x6 layout full 2
Last edited by Mike_H
Max Warfel posted:

I wonder if it could be reconfigured for Lionel Fastrack. 


I tried the conversion to FasTrack. The lack of a 60° cross and numbered switches make it hard to fit and the result does not flow in the center.

Based on those results and effort, I retract my statement that you can convert it to FasTrack.  RCS or Atlas.

Mike_H posted:

I had thoughts of throwing in a scenic divide starting from the log loader going east to possibly add a small tunnel system and build up a coal scene near the 497 coal loader.  Would also break up the circle look.

That's a good thought - using a photo backdrop on each side would allow you to keep it narrow



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