Special thanks to this group on the forum especially Ace for helping me think outside the box more than I thought I could!
A few things I needed work through in my own head.
My footprint is 20'x4' with the with a 2' extension on one 8' end making that 6' wide instead of 4'
Oil Tanks,furnance, house power panel help create this footprint.
I run conventional only at this time.
After going back and forth on many things.
Mutiple trains running at one time? as of now No
Need reversing loops? as of now No
Second Level? finish the first level first. but as of now no.
Wanted as much as I could get on the layout of my NH collection
I have 3 complete trains 2 passenger with a Station 1 freight
6 sidings with smaller consists
2 areas for railyards and Engine storage.
If after I start running it I feel the need to change, I can connect 2 or the spurs to the main line and keep the interior sidings